From: Cari Machet (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Jun 07 2008 - 11:14:30 PDT
found footage refers to the term of dada
found object
from that it comes
oh so long long ago
collage never referenced film
or anything 3d
that is montage
who first 'stated' it?
the wind the air that is where ideas live
On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 1:35 PM, David Tetzlaff <email suppressed> wrote:
> A collage can include a variety of materials, which are not necessarily
> found objects.
> A found-footage film may or may not be edited in a manner that fits the
> term 'collage' and in fact, (c.f. Ken Jacobs 'Perfect Film' and 'Urban
> Peasants') may not be edited at all. (The transformations of found footage
> in the context of Jacobs' Nervous System performances doesn't fit the
> concept of collage really either...). Other filmmakers have created works
> that focus on altering the image of found works, rather than cutting and
> pasting: Naomi Uman's 'Removed', Peggy Ahwesh's 'Color of Love'. Perhaps
> 'found footage' is employed because it fits a wider set of practices, and
> focuses on the act of appropriation rather than reconfiguration.
> And it's not exactly that one term has replaced the other. People still
> refer to collage: there was a conference at the U of Iowa a few years ago
> called "Collage as Cultural Intervention" covering everything from Dada to
> hip-hop.
> It does seem though that the term collage has fallen somewhat out of
> fashion, that many people who are making collage works don't use the term or
> don't use it much. Perhaps it gained a sort of lumpen connotation by its use
> in grade school art assignments, art therapy, etc. that contemporary
> artistes want to avoid?
> Just speculation, which doesn't answer your question, of course....
> does anybody knows when, where and by whom the term "found-footage"
>> was invented, replacing the older term "collage" for those films?
>> Thanx in advance for any hint,
>> Marcel
>> Marcel Schwierin ::: curator ::: filmmaker
>> Chausseestr. 11 ::: 10115 Berlin ::: Germany
>> email suppressed
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> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
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