From: Tony Conrad (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Jun 08 2008 - 18:35:41 PDT
Also, in the later 1970s Barbara Lattanzi, Diego Cortez, Kevin Fix, Michael Snow, and others made films comprised of short film strips or even slides, in many of which the
shutter operation was irrelevant. Most of these fabulous pieces are unfortunately all but forgotten now.
On Sun Jun 8 18:59 , Jonathan Walley <email suppressed> sent:
>Dear Frameworkers,
>I'm curious if anyone has heard of an experimental film from the 60s -
>70s that was intended to be projected with the shutter from the
>projector removed. I know Sharits made references to doing this in one
>of his essays (in the Film Culture devoted to him from 1976, or was it
>78?), but it wasn't clear if he did this publicly or "in this studio,"
>so to speak, just as an experiment. But I seem to recall that there was
>someone else who made a film specifically for a modified projector sans
>shutter. Any ideas? And, if this is something that is being done now by
>anyone, I'd love to hear about that, too.
>Thanks in advance!
>Jonathan Walley
>Assistant Professor, Cinema Department
>Denison University
>Granville, Ohio 43023
>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at email suppressed>.
Tony Conrad 716-400-8738
Department of Media Study, Center for the Arts 231, University at Buffalo 14260
190 Bedford Av, Ste 126
Brklyn NY 11211
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.