Re: long live ubuweb!

From: Myron Ort (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Jun 09 2008 - 07:17:31 PDT

I have noticed that there are no Brakhage films per se on UBU web.
There is a very early and interesting film monologue in which Stan
discusses his ideas and then there are also 20 or so archived
college station radio shows on which he shares music and poetry from
his personal collection of rare and out of print examples. Can I
assume that these were made available with permission and that his
films themselves were specifically not allowed? PS: it was fun to
hear those radio shows and then, with much detective work, attempt to
dig up as many of the rare and out of print recordings as possible.
Just try to find those recordings of Patchen reading from his
Journal Of Albion Moonlight, Charles Olson reading from Maximus, the
flute master Pannalal Ghosh, the particular Charles Ives piece that
was the opening theme of the radio show, Lili Boulanger, Saint Saens
Sonata #1, etc. Of course some of the material was virtually
impossible to dig up since they were private one-off tapes from
Stan's collection. If you haven't heard the shows...they are a
wonderful inspiration and an eye/ear opening to the predilection for
all things avant garde. Not sure, besides UBU Web, how I would have
been able to hear them.

Myron Ort

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