Call For Filmmakers, Artists, and Performers for Mott Haven Tour

From: Mits Hadeishi (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jun 10 2008 - 08:02:21 PDT

The next Synthetic Zero event will be participating in the Second
Annual Mott Haven Open Studio Tour, which is coming up very soon,
Saturday, June 28th. We are looking for experimental video and film,
as well as visual art, music, and performances for the event. If you
are interested in exhibiting or know people who might want to show
their work, please email (address suppressed)

If you wish to submit film/video, please mail it to:

Mitsu Hadeishi
305 E 140th St #3A
New York NY 10454

It is best to send via US Postal Service, not UPS or FedEx, as those
services require signature. Be sure to WAIVE SIGNATURE ON DELIVERY as
there is not always someone here to receive packages.

Preferred format is DVD (NTSC or PAL) or Blu-Ray disc.

Please forward this to your friends and email lists!


Mitsu Hadeishi
email suppressed

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.