Re: The Politics of the Bootleg

From: Tony Conrad (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Jun 11 2008 - 01:25:19 PDT

Hi Lisa---------

You're getting into a mixed terrain here: we are not talking about citation, or appropriation, or
brief quotations, as your remarks suggest, when you give as examples "youtube clip(s)" or "video
taped off a monitor." That is, this is not about "representations" of the work, but the work
itself, in its various forms. When a feature film is sold on DVD, that's not called
a "representation" of the work; it is called the work.


On Wed Jun 11 1:31 , Lisa Oppenheim <email suppressed> sent:

>Tony- I love your work. And I have enormous respect for you and your practice. Hell, you named
the Velvet fucking Underground. But on this point I think you have it wrong. It is not about your
work or the way it disseminated, it is about representations of the work. Who owns a youtube clip
of a video taped off a monitor? Is that the work? That's like saying a postcard of the Mona Lisa
is the intellectual property of Leonardo.
>Much respect,
>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: Re: The Politics of the Bootleg
>From: Tony Conrad <email suppressed>
>Date: Wed, June 11, 2008 2:04 am
>To: email suppressed
>Thanks Rick--------
>I agree of course: your point is that STRATEGICALLY speaking it makes sense to
>disseminate one's work as widely a possible. My point remains: the decision to
>PURSUE this strategem, or not to do so, should belong to the owner (maker) of the
>On Tue Jun 10 19:48 , Rick Prelinger <email suppressed> sent:
>>I defend Tony's right to know where his work is going and steer it in a
>direction he feels appropriate. But the times may not favor his or any artist's
> exclusive control. For Tony, I suspect there is value in maintaining a measure
>of control and scarcity. I'd only say that the more people that get to see his
>work and appreciate his career, the value of the billable events that happen
>around his work will increase. This has been our story.
>>Rick Prelinger
>>Prelinger Library & Archives, San Francisco
>>Board President, Internet Archive
>>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at email suppressed>.
>Tony Conrad 716-400-8738
>Department of Media Study, Center for the Arts 231, University at Buffalo 14260
>190 Bedford Av, Ste 126
>Brklyn NY 11211
>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

Tony Conrad 716-400-8738

Department of Media Study, Center for the Arts 231, University at Buffalo 14260

190 Bedford Av, Ste 126
Brklyn NY 11211

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.