From: le peuple qui manque (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Jun 21 2008 - 14:41:57 PDT
le peuple qui manque /
Le peuple qui manque is pleased to present his distribution films
catalog for films festivals, theaters, museums, televisions and
institutions. Our catalog is promoting avant-garde films, artists videos
and political cinema (notably feminist and queer cinema). We represent
the following artists:
Kathy Acker, Lee Adams, Maria Beatty, Federica Bertelli, Ana Borralho &
João Galante, Judith Cahen, Roger Danel, Johanna Demetrakas, Maria Adela
Diaz, Guillaume Dustan, Stuart Gaffney, Michka Gorki, Jean-Michel
Humeau, Danielle Jaeggi, Françoise Janicot, Jacques Kebadian,
Jean-Jacques Lebel, Gérald Marix, Stéphane Marti, ORLAN, Arnold
Pasquier, François Pain, Benoît Perraud, Howardena Pindell, Franssou
Prenant, Félix Ruckert, Carolee Schneemann, Alan Sondheim, Del Lagrace
Volcano, Lorena Wolffer, Jud Yalkut
Visit our website to discover the whole
To rent a film for a screening or an exhibition, please send your order
to email suppressed
-- Le peuple qui manque __________________________________________________________________ For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.