'Waste' Films?

From: Sara Sullivan (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Jun 28 2008 - 09:03:31 PDT

I'm part of the Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, run by graduate
students at the University of Iowa. We're working on putting together
our next issue on the topic of waste (refuse, obsolescence, trash,
reappropriation and recycling, etc.) as a material reality and/or
trope. We would very much like to include papers that engage with the
topic from the perspective of visual arts and avant-garde/
experimental film.

The CFP is below. The formatting might get a little funny in the


Sara Sullivan
Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies

Issue on Waste - Cultural Studies Journal
Deadline: September 1, 2008

“As the capitalist mode of production extends, so also does the
utilization of the refuse left behind by production and consumption.
Under the heading of production we have the waste products of
industry and agriculture, under that of consumption we have both the
excrement produced by man’s natural metabolism and the form in which
useful articles survive after use has been made of them.”
Marx, Capital, vol. 3 (195)

As Marx’s provocative definition suggests, multiple forms of waste
appear in capitalism’s uneven development. In this special issue of
the Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, we seek essays that examine the
functions and constructions of waste in a variety of socio-political
milieus and cultural locations. What is waste and how is it produced,
dealt with and understood? What are the survivals of production and
consumption? In a modern context, what becomes of the category of
waste in post-Fordist production and under the hegemonic regime of
immaterial labor? How does the growth of the world market affect the
geography of waste? We are looking for an array of interpretations of
waste, of capitalism’s refuse, from the fields of history,
anthropology and ethnography, literary studies, film and the visual
arts, communications and media studies, and, of course, cultural

This call is not limited to interests of any century or geographic

Areas of interest include:
- Post-Marxism
- Subaltern and post-colonial studies
- The recycling and/or repurposing of culture
- Literature
- Film
- Philosophy
- Visual art
- Ecology
- Waste Management / Recycling

Please submit three (3) printed copies and one electronic copy by
September 1, 2008 to the Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, English
Department, 308 English-Philosophy Building, University of Iowa, Iowa
City, Iowa 52242. We prefer essays no longer than 9,000 words, MLA
format. Please keep discursive endnotes to a minimum. Contact Joshua
Gooch at email suppressed if you have any questions or would
like to make a submission.

The Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies is a peer-reviewed publication
edited by graduate students that mixes traditional approaches and
contemporary interventions in the interdisciplinary humanities and
interpretive social sciences.

Visit the website at http://www.uiowa.edu/~ijcs/

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.