Paul McCarthy curates Stan VanDerBeek films at the Whitney, as part of Paul McCarthy 'Film List' series July 11 - September 21 2008

From: Chrissie Iles (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Jul 11 2008 - 14:06:31 PDT

In conjunction with the Paul McCarthy exhibition 'Central-Symmetrical-Rotation-Movement' at the Whitney until October 11, featuring rare early 16mm film loops by McCarthy, we have invited Paul McCarthy to curate a film series. 'Film List' will run from July 11 - September 21. Stan VanDerBeek's films will screen from today until Sunday July 20; schedule follows. Please see the Whitney website for full details of the program after July 20, which includes films by Brakhage, Maria Lassnig, Valie Export, Kurt Kren, Morgan Fisher, Peter Kubelka and Jack Goldstein, amongst others.
DAILY Wed - Sun, except Fridays (see end of schedule for special Friday schedule)
11am, 12.30pm, 2pm
What, Who, How (1957, 8 min)
Science Friction (1959, 9 min)
Ala Mode (1960, 5 min)
Mankinda (1957, 10 min)
Breathdeath (1964, 15 min)
Poem Field no. 2, with Ken Knowlton (1966, 6 min)
See, Saw, Seems (1967, 10 min)
Panels for the Walls of the World (1967, 8 min)
Oh (1968, 10 min)
Symmetricks (1971, 7 min)
Total running time: 88 min.
Cold War Dreams
Achoo Mr. Keroochev (1959, 1 ¾ min)
Astral Man (1957, 2 ¼ min)
Black and Whites, Days and Nights (1960, 5 min)
Snapshots of the City (1961, 5 min)
Skullduggery (1960, 5 min)
Summit (1963, 12 min)
Total running time: 31 min.
Wheels no. 1 (1958, 5 min)
Wheels no. 2 (1959, 5 min)
Dance of the Lonely Spoons (1959, 5 min)
Found Film no. 1 (1968/70, 6min)
The History of Motion in Motion (10 min)
The Human Face is a Monument (9 ½ min)
Super-Imposition (1968, 17 min)
Total running time: 41 min.
Cybernetic Space
Phenomenon no. 1 (1965, 7 min)
Man and His World (1967, 1 min)
Spherical Space no. 1 (1967, 5 min)
Poem Field no. 1, with Ken Knowlton (1966, 4 min)
Poem Field no. 7 with Ken Knowlton, soundtrack by John Cage (1968, 4 min)
Will (1968, 4 min)
Film Form no. 1 (1970, 10 min)
Who Ho Ray No. 1 (1966-1972, 8 min)
Total running time: 43 min.
1pm - 6pm - VanDerBeekiana program
6 - 6.30pm - Cold War Dreams program
6.30-7.30pm - Super-Imposition program
7.30 - 8.30 - Cybernetic Space program

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.