Images Festival Job Posting: PROGRAMMER applications due July 31 2008

From: Pablo de Ocampo (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Jul 16 2008 - 12:16:44 PDT

Programmer (Film, Video + Installation Works)
The Images Festival, Toronto
Deadline: 31 July 2008

The Images Festival, Toronto's largest annual exhibitor of independent media
art is seeking a Programmer of single channel film and video works and
installation projects. The Programmer will work in a collaborative
environment to plan and execute a successful 22nd festival in April 2009
involving multiple exhibition sites, events and partners. The Programmer is
responsible for executing a portion of programming, general assistance to
the Artistic Director, and activities related to catalogue production,
artist relations, outreach and publicity while strengthening relationships
with exhibition venues throughout the Greater Toronto Area

We will be accepting applications until July 31, 2008 at 5:00pm.

For complete job description and posting, visit:



}- - - -- - - - - - {

Pablo de Ocampo
Artistic Director
448-401 Richmond Street West
Toronto. Ontario M5V 3A8 Canada
T 416.971.8405
F 416.971.7412

22nd Edition>>>> 2-11 April 2009 >>>>>>

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.