From: Steve Polta (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Jul 30 2008 - 11:21:22 PDT


TOTAL MOBILIZATION (2005-07) by Yin-Ju Chen and James T. Hong is all about ants who attack and degrade a (white) chocolate bar in the shape of the United States. (Very good film)

MY LIFE AS A BEE (2003) by Robert Schaller (pinhole camera!!)

silt did an installation at a San Francisco Cinematheque event in 2001 called "The Nocturnal Movement of Matter Under the Direction of Black Ants and Honey Bees." This installation incorporated a 50-foot loop of super-8 film, each frame of which contained an image of a single ant (like a long ant trail). I do not believe the film was actually projected during the exhibition but was more of a sculptural element; I believe it was illuminated with a long strip of some sort of fiber-optic/tube light thing, which flashed intermittantly.
documentation (including brief video) (thanks to Scott Stark):

Not mentioned yet, and marginally "about" insects are FLY by Yoko Ono and a series of "mid-period" works by Luther Price, including MEAT SITUATION, MEAT BLUE 04 etc. which heavily fetishize (in a very disturbing way) big ugly flies and maggots crawling over rotting meat.

Steve Polta


For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.