From: Kerry Laitala (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Aug 28 2008 - 11:52:06 PDT
Thanks Lady... Hmmmm there isn't any mention of a desire for the genre of narrative film to be taught. Should i re-submit? I do have a an example of a short documentary that was the product of a one month class that i taught in 1998 at Mass Art- all 16mm sync sound on location the whole nine yards.. with students that never held a camera before...a 20 minute film that does have a story called Death Inc. a straight forward doc. about the funeral industry... and from what people tell me it, has a similar take as that series "6 feet Under", although it was done several years before... What do you think? Do they look at student samples, as a way to determine any kind of quality of teaching? Mass Art wasn't interested in looking at any results from classes that I taught even though I submitted them.... that was a waste...sigh... Nice speaking with you yesterday...xoxoxo k
--- On Thu, 8/28/08, Jeanne LIOTTA <email suppressed> wrote:
> From: Jeanne LIOTTA <email suppressed>
> Subject: job announcement
> To: email suppressed
> Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 7:58 AM
> FYI, here is a call for a new position at the University of
> Colorado Boulder:
> and here is the Film Program website link:
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.