Re: Looking for 16mm sound mix studio

From: Pip Chodorov (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Aug 30 2008 - 13:38:06 PDT


Don't despair! Plenty of people are still shooting, editing and
projecting on film. It's much cheaper than going through video
processes, and it retains its unique specifities that way. There are
still plenty of new 16mm films with optical tracks showing at
festivals around the world, and the coops are very busy sending out
16mm films to regular venues.

The light is still shining! Why not get out that equipment and shoot
something, while you still can?

-Pip Chodorov

At 11:22 -0700 30/08/08, Bernard Roddy wrote:
>Greetings all. Reading this thread hits home. Where to go if you
>want to carry on a particular kind of tradition but without the
>burden of virtually extinct equipment. I now have available piles
>of 16 mm filmmaking equipment - Bolex, Eclair, Arriflex - including
>a Moviola and a Steenbeck long out of service. I hadn't heard yet
>that optical sound tracks are on the way out, or equivalently,
>rising in cost. What a fate. But where to go now. One move, it
>seems, is craft-oriented (hand-processing and whatnot), oiling up
>old projectors. Another is to say film is for capture only. But
>even here, looking at the results of student work, I have to ask,
>what was the point of shooting that on film, again? It's not even
>projected on film, it's lost much of what made film so powerful.
>One student, vehemently defending his use of film cameras, shows his
>film projected in video and stored on his ipod. I'm losing it.
>Feels like a religion given lip service.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.