Re: Looking for 16mm sound mix studio

From: Bernard Roddy (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Sep 02 2008 - 09:04:16 PDT

I'm late here, but thank you.

--- On Sat, 8/30/08, Pip Chodorov <email suppressed> wrote:

> From: Pip Chodorov <email suppressed>
> Subject: Re: Looking for 16mm sound mix studio
> To: email suppressed
> Date: Saturday, August 30, 2008, 4:38 PM
> Bernie,
> Don't despair! Plenty of people are still shooting,
> editing and
> projecting on film. It's much cheaper than going
> through video
> processes, and it retains its unique specifities that way.
> There are
> still plenty of new 16mm films with optical tracks showing
> at
> festivals around the world, and the coops are very busy
> sending out
> 16mm films to regular venues.
> The light is still shining! Why not get out that equipment
> and shoot
> something, while you still can?
> -Pip Chodorov
> At 11:22 -0700 30/08/08, Bernard Roddy wrote:
> >Greetings all. Reading this thread hits home. Where
> to go if you
> >want to carry on a particular kind of tradition but
> without the
> >burden of virtually extinct equipment. I now have
> available piles
> >of 16 mm filmmaking equipment - Bolex, Eclair, Arriflex
> - including
> >a Moviola and a Steenbeck long out of service. I
> hadn't heard yet
> >that optical sound tracks are on the way out, or
> equivalently,
> >rising in cost. What a fate. But where to go now.
> One move, it
> >seems, is craft-oriented (hand-processing and whatnot),
> oiling up
> >old projectors. Another is to say film is for capture
> only. But
> >even here, looking at the results of student work, I
> have to ask,
> >what was the point of shooting that on film, again?
> It's not even
> >projected on film, it's lost much of what made film
> so powerful.
> >One student, vehemently defending his use of film
> cameras, shows his
> >film projected in video and stored on his ipod.
> I'm losing it.
> >Feels like a religion given lip service.
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.


For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.