politics, etc.

From: king quuen quasi electric (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Sep 05 2008 - 22:31:18 PDT

Do you really think the Situationists would have sent links to pages selling campaign buttons? I think they would have been somewhat more inventive.  I wonder how people would feel if I posted links to websites selling books on gay rights or animal activism.

--- On Fri, 9/5/08, Flick Harrison <email suppressed> wrote:
From: Flick Harrison <email suppressed>
Subject: Re: FramWorks, Obama, Satantango, politics, etc.
To: email suppressed
Date: Friday, September 5, 2008, 8:58 PM

On 5-Sep-08, at 10:44 AM, Fred Camper wrote:
Of course politics is relevant to film. But I think everyone on this list knows who Obama is, and, being on the Internet, knows how to find out more about him if they want to. We don't need to be told to support him, or to not support him, or to buy Obama buttons! If everyone on this list posted about everything that interested them, we would all be overwhelmed.
I agree.  Plus, there are extremely testy people on this list, or rather, everybody gets a little testy now and then.
Yes, the "who's using the bathroom alla time!" posts are a bit much, and the Obama stuff was completely outrageous.  Then again, when you're facing the prospect of a creepy nutter starting world war III, little things like netiquette are hard to abide - I'm sure the situationists in their prime would have made even Emily Postnews tap her toes and harumph
I prefer to read decently written posts that are well informed. Having seen "Satantango" twice, complete, and on film, I don't need to read a post from someone who has seen an hour or so of it on video.
With all due respect, that's going a bit far if you're suggesting the "Satantango" post was unframeworkian.  There was quite a going discussion a while back about digital distribution of inferior copies of works, and just now about officially re-presenting older works in various states of fidelity.  I can't imagine where you'd draw the official line between "specialized knowledge" reactions to works or topics, "personal" reaction, and "trivial" reactions.  There are plenty of people who think the entire field of experimental film is trivial, who would in
 fact call all that specialized knowledge itself trivia.
What's great about FrameWorks is that so many people here have specialized knowledge of various aspects of experimental cinema. What wrecks the list is people posting opinions about topics they don't know much about, plus personal trivia.
As they say in Hollywood: nobody knows anything.  Personal, trivia, knowledge, etc... all part of individual film and criticism.  I don't think we need a peer-review process on this list.  The difference between Jim Carlile calling La Jetee "overrated" and a tenured professor who might argue that "actually, current research is increasingly treating La Jetee as relevant" (which, as I recall wasn't what happened) is certainly interesting, and I wouldn't want either to be booted off the list.
*  FLICK's WEBSITE:http://www.flickharrison.com* FACEBOOKhttp://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=860700553*%a0%a0BLOG / news:http://zeroforconduct.blogspot.com*%a0%a0MYSPACE:http://myspace.com/flickharrison

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.