From: Regina Muff (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Sep 08 2008 - 20:57:07 PDT
for pressure on our eurocentrism, see ella shohat and robert stam's unthinking eurocentrism and laura marks' the skin of the film. shohat and stam for a cold dousing of that colonialist hair-do, marks for a meditation on all the inaccessible. marks covers a truly embarrasing array of film art from latin america, africa, asia, native america. its the avant garde you never hear about and its huge
oh and a connection between politics and the arts:
> >
> > The Social Security Act of 1935 guaranteed unemployment
> > benefits for people out of work but excluded farm workers,
> > domestic workers, and public employees. Farm workers remain
> > excluded from receiving unemployment benefits but in the
> > 1970s public employees were included with the exception of
> > contingent academic labor. Part-time teachers and farm
> > workers share an interest in claiming unemployment benefits
> > for the periods during which you are unemployed. However,
> > if you teach part-time at one or more institutions of higher
> > education (this means the vast majority of academic labor),
> > before claiming unemployment insurance benefits to cover
> > your summer you must demonstrate that you do not have a
> > "reasonable assurance" of finding work in the
> > fall. This is not a requirement of any blue-collar worker
> > who goes unemployed in the States. Teachers who have
> > claimed unemployment benefits have seen their claims
> > contested by their institutions on the grounds that
> > they have a reasonable assurance of receiving academic
> > assignments in the fall. This is one of the most punishing
> > ways to make a subsistence living in the States, a continual
> > scramble between institutions, only to face a summer without
> > recourse to the most basic protections.
> >
> > A clearly written pamphlet articulating your right to claim
> > unemployment benefits as a part-time teacher facing the end
> > of the term was published in 2007. It is called Access to
> > Unemployment Insurance Benefits, and it is by Joe Berry,
> > Beverly Steward, and Helena Worthen. You can download a
> > copy at:
> >
> >
> >
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