From: Roger Beebe (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Sep 09 2008 - 15:04:45 PDT
Thanks to all for the responses on & off list about experimental
planetarium shows. It's interesting to hear about both the
prehistory of these things and about other folks who're doing
interesting things in these spaces.
On Sep 8, 2008, at 6:04 PM, Adam Hyman wrote:
> Yes, John Adamcyzk does live experimental animation mixing in a
> planetarium at Glendale Community College here in Southern
> California on a regular basis. "Spntaneous Fantasia."
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom B Whiteside
> Sent: Sep 8, 2008 5:51 PM
> To: email suppressed
> Subject: Re: Fwd: MERGE VISUAL in Macon, Georgia
> Didn't Stan Vanderbeek do film programs in planetariums?
> Interesting note - "planetarium" originally refered to the
> projector itself, a strange and highly sophisticated projector with
> many apertures. It has to move, it has to mimic the sky. Jeanne
> Liotta, do you have one of these?
> - Tom
> Roger Beebe <email suppressed>
> Sent by: Experimental Film Discussion List
> <email suppressed>
> 09/08/2008 11:14 AM
> Please respond to
> Experimental Film Discussion List <email suppressed>
> To
> email suppressed
> cc
> Subject
> Fwd: MERGE VISUAL in Macon, Georgia
> For those in the neighborhood of Macon, Georgia (anyone?), I'm
> doing a multi-projector performance this Friday in a planetarium as
> part of the show MERGE VISUAL. I haven't seen the rest of the work
> yet, but I'm really curious to see what people end up doing with
> the space. Does anyone know of other attempts to do something
> better than a Pink Floyd laser light show in a planetarium? (Is
> there anything better than a Pink Floyd laser light show???) I've
> always fantasized about doing an experimental film show in an Imax/
> Omnimax, so if anyone has a hook up, let me know. 70mm/15 perf,
> here we come...
> Best,
> Roger
> Gainesville, FL
> Begin forwarded message:
> Jim Greenhouse
> Director of Public Relations
> 478-477-3232 x317
> email suppressed
> When new technologies combine with the forces of creativity,
> artists explore territories never before seen in the world of art.
> In the artist’s hand, pixels and projections become brush marks. An
> audio/visual system becomes a canvas. The merging of the new and
> the old leads to a synergy in the ‘latest’ technology.
> MERGE VISUAL, an exhibit exploring this relationship between art
> and digital technology, will open at the Museum of Arts and
> Sciences on Friday, Sept. 12 and will continue until Nov. 2.
> Artists from all disciplines have embraced the use of computers and
> the works featured in MERGE VISUAL have been carefully selected to
> reflect the ways in which this technology has affected the visual
> arts.
> In addition to the more traditional gallery display, MERGE VISUAL
> includes an experimental component using the Mark Smith Planetarium
> as an artistic medium. Artists have created works using moving
> images and sounds specifically for the planetarium’s immersive
> environment. This unique planetarium program is titled MERGE VISUAL
> 360 and will be shown at 2 p.m. daily from Sept. 13 until Nov. 4.
> With the work of over 40 artists from 14 states and two countries,
> MERGE VISUAL shows technology’s nationwide and international impact
> on art. The exhibit and planetarium program showcase art from as
> close as Macon, Ga. and as far away as Ireland.
> Craig Coleman, associate professor of art at Mercer University, is
> the guest curator for MERGE VISUAL. He is also an accomplished
> artist who has exhibited his work nationally and in Ireland. He is
> represented by Paul Sharpe Contemporary Art in New York, NY and
> Andenken Gallery in Denver, CO.
> MERGE VISUAL is sponsored by the Macon Film & Video Festival
> (MAGA), Mercer University, Today’s MGT, the Georgia Council for the
> Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.
> The gallery exhibition and planetarium program are included in
> general admission to the museum. Admission prices are $8 for
> adults, $6 for seniors and military, $5 for students and $4 for
> children ages 2-12. Infants and museum members are free. Admission
> also includes other exhibits and planetarium programming as well as
> the Discovery House and Mini-Zoo.
> The Museum, located at 4182 Forsyth Road in Macon, Ga., is open
> Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday from 1 to 5
> p.m., and the last Friday of the month from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
> For more information call 478-477-3232 or go to
> On the evening of September 12, there will be a series of special
> events inside the planetarium:
> 7:00 p.m. - film performance by experimental filmmaker, Roger Beebe.
> 7:45 – 8:30 - showing of MERGE VISUAL 360
> 8:30 – 9:00 p.m. - video installation by art collective
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.