From: jaime cleeland (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Sep 30 2008 - 21:13:50 PDT
your online submission form does not seem to work for me. I have filled in all details, though when I PRESS SUBMIT it comes back showing that the synopsis needs to be filled in. I have written in the box:
This fast moving music video is a colourful kaleidoscopic explosion of original cut-up images created and drawn by the sound and vision artist Ethnomite Pux. The music is an original composition licensed under the Creative Commons share-alike, it features the voice of James Cleeland and can be downloaded at:
Reico Matsumoto is an artist living in Tokyo,Japan to whom this video is dedicated.
The sound and vision artist Ethnomite Pux can be found at
Thank you for your interest
is there something wrong with this synopsis ?
Thank you,
--- On Mon, 29/9/08, Alexei Dmitriev <email suppressed> wrote:
From: Dmitriev <email suppressed>
Subject: MUSEEK - call for entries
To: email suppressed
Date: Monday, 29 September, 2008, 10:15 AM
There are quite a number of music video festivals around the world, but none in Russia...
So, Tour de Film and Loud Media decided to change such a sad statistics and organize The 1st International Music Video Festival MUSEEK which will be held between November 14th and 23rd, 2008 in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
The story began last year when we’ve compiled a music video program with the same name and showed it to the fellow people of Saint-Petersburg. They liked it. So did we. Then we started thinking of making a festival of our own. And here’s the result of our work.
MUSEEK is a first ever music video festival in Russia! A week of festival screenings in Rodina Cinema and Achtung Baby club will include the best music videos from Russia and abroad as well as retrospectives, concerts, highlights from our partners, curated programs, audiovisual performances and much more.
As for the «music video» - we do not denote it as a promo for a band. The only thing we want from the films is that the image should greatly coincide with the music. We’d love to see something creative and experimental!
Don’t hesitate to send us your music videos! The deadline for submitting a film is the November 1st, 2008 [the films must be received by that time]. There is no entry fee.
Selected films will have a chance to win 500 €.
Ready to compete?
Alexei Dmitriev
Artistic Director / Program Director
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
email suppressed
__________________________________________________________________ For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.