From: Craig Lindley (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Oct 16 2008 - 11:51:41 PDT
Ridiculous of course. Become a stock broker and retire with a fat fortune in
hedge funds. See this as a temporary but pragmatic step down from being
a film/video artist. Although in the near future, film/video artists may fare
better than stockbrokers. No, Stan was right, there will always be ample
supplies of the materials that plumbers are paid to eliminate, so that's probably
the safest bet.
-----Experimental Film Discussion List <email suppressed> wrote: -----
On Oct 15, 2008, at 1:36 PM, Santiago Vernetti wrote:
> Does anyone have any suggestion/leads/contacts for a film and video
> artist searching for a job related to those passions?
A few years ago the IFC (or was it Sundance?) cable TV channel had a
series introducing experimental film mixing short films with
interviews. Stan Brakhage observed that his first advice to students
who wanted to become experimental filmmakers was to train in a good
reliable profession like being a plumber. Then you'd be able to
support yourself and your passion.
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.