Re: Lost Films

From: zryd (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Oct 19 2008 - 14:33:25 PDT

Two of Hollis Frampton's earliest films were reported lost: he left
_Clouds Like White Sheep_ (1962) on the New York subway and the lab
lost _Obelisk Ampersand Encounter_ (1965). His accounts of these
losses vary from interview to interview, but one account is in Scott
MacDonald's A Critical Cinema, vol. 1, pp 26-27.

Mike Zryd
On 16-Oct-08, at 4:43 AM, Christiane Gruen wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am writing on behalf of the 'Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für
> Film und Fernsehen in Berlin', where we are currently preparing
> 'Lost Films', a web-based project that aims to provide a common
> platform for users to share information concerning films known or
> believed to be lost.
> The project went into operation in June last year, and will finish
> in November, when the 'Lost Films' website officially goes online.
> The first stage was a Wiki (, that was
> used to gather initial titles. Around 400 titles were submitted by
> various specialists, from which 35 were then selected to launch the
> new database.
> We are currently gathering, selecting and digitising documents
> (scripts, stills, posters, press items, music scores, and film
> clips, etc.) to illustrate the 35 chosen titles. At the same time,
> we are inputting basic information concerning other lost films
> compiled from various sources, to provide potential users with a
> starting point for contributing knowledge and documents of their
> own in future. Presently we have over 1300 titles.
> The entries mostly concentrate on narrative film. However, we would
> very much like to expand our current entries to include more
> experimental films.
> So if anybody knows of any experimental films, which are believed
> lost, please post to the list or get in touch with us at the email
> addresses listed below.
> Thanks!
> The 'Lost Films' team
> Jürgen Keiper (email suppressed), Christiane Grün
> (email suppressed), Oliver Hanley ((address suppressed)-
> 'Lost Films' is a collaboration between the Deutsche Kinemathek,
> the Bundesarchiv Filmarchiv, the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung,
> the centre nationale de la cinematographie, Filmarchiv Austria and
> the Narodni Filmovy Archiv (Czech National Film Archive). It is
> financed by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural
> Organisation).
> --
> Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit
> allen:
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

Michael Zryd
Associate Professor
York University, Department of Film, CFT 225, 4700 Keele St.
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 CANADA
tel: 416-736- 2100 x 22513 / fax: 416-736-5710
email suppressed
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.