Re: Lost Films

From: Jorge Amaro (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Oct 20 2008 - 09:42:51 PDT

I saw segments of Thaïs online, about 1 hour or so of the film. So it
still exists but not complete, the first films by Bruno Corra are also
resported missing and the russian futurist films. The sound version of
Hans Richter 'Ghosts Before Breakfast' is also missng, probably
destroied by the nazis.

2008/10/20 Rob Gawthrop <email suppressed>:
> Futurist Cinema:
> Vita Futurists
> Perfido incanto
> Il mio cadavere
> Thais (Les possédés) - this may be preseved
> (1916)
> and others?
> On 20/10/08 15:50, "Bruce Checefsky" <email suppressed> wrote:
>> Stefan and Franciszka Themerson films APTEKA (1930) and MOMENT MUSICAL (1933)
>> were lost or destroyed. Both titles were experimental photogram films.
>> Bruce Checefsky
>> ____________________________________________
>> Bruce Checefsky | Director of Reinberger Galleries
>> Voice: 216-421-7407 | email suppressed
>> The Cleveland Institute of Art | 11141 East Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44106
>> _______________________________________
>> From: Experimental Film Discussion List [email suppressed] On
>> Behalf Of zryd [email suppressed]
>> Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 5:33 PM
>> To: email suppressed
>> Subject: Re: Lost Films
>> Two of Hollis Frampton's earliest films were reported lost: he left
>> _Clouds Like White Sheep_ (1962) on the New York subway and the lab
>> lost _Obelisk Ampersand Encounter_ (1965). His accounts of these
>> losses vary from interview to interview, but one account is in Scott
>> MacDonald's A Critical Cinema, vol. 1, pp 26-27.
>> Mike Zryd
>> On 16-Oct-08, at 4:43 AM, Christiane Gruen wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am writing on behalf of the 'Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für
>>> Film und Fernsehen in Berlin', where we are currently preparing
>>> 'Lost Films', a web-based project that aims to provide a common
>>> platform for users to share information concerning films known or
>>> believed to be lost.
>>> The project went into operation in June last year, and will finish
>>> in November, when the 'Lost Films' website officially goes online.
>>> The first stage was a Wiki (, that was
>>> used to gather initial titles. Around 400 titles were submitted by
>>> various specialists, from which 35 were then selected to launch the
>>> new database.
>>> We are currently gathering, selecting and digitising documents
>>> (scripts, stills, posters, press items, music scores, and film
>>> clips, etc.) to illustrate the 35 chosen titles. At the same time,
>>> we are inputting basic information concerning other lost films
>>> compiled from various sources, to provide potential users with a
>>> starting point for contributing knowledge and documents of their
>>> own in future. Presently we have over 1300 titles.
>>> The entries mostly concentrate on narrative film. However, we would
>>> very much like to expand our current entries to include more
>>> experimental films.
>>> So if anybody knows of any experimental films, which are believed
>>> lost, please post to the list or get in touch with us at the email
>>> addresses listed below.
>>> Thanks!
>>> The 'Lost Films' team
>>> Jürgen Keiper (email suppressed), Christiane Grün
>>> (email suppressed), Oliver Hanley ((address suppressed)-
>>> 'Lost Films' is a collaboration between the Deutsche Kinemathek,
>>> the Bundesarchiv Filmarchiv, the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung,
>>> the centre nationale de la cinematographie, Filmarchiv Austria and
>>> the Narodni Filmovy Archiv (Czech National Film Archive). It is
>>> financed by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural
>>> Organisation).
>>> --
>>> Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit
>>> allen:
>>> __________________________________________________________________
>>> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
>> --
>> Michael Zryd
>> Associate Professor
>> York University, Department of Film, CFT 225, 4700 Keele St.
>> Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 CANADA
>> tel: 416-736- 2100 x 22513 / fax: 416-736-5710
>> email suppressed
>> __________________________________________________________________
>> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
>> __________________________________________________________________
>> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
>> Email has been scanned for viruses by Altman Technologies' email management
>> service -
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.