Re: Lentar Super 8 3to1

From: Tom B Whiteside (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Nov 21 2008 - 08:25:23 PST

If it works it is a good starter super 8. Peanuts, the new economy.

Long time ago did a film program in Chattanooga, young filmmaker in the
audience said she couldn't afford a camera. At intermission I went across
the street to a thrift store and bought a reg 8 camera for $2, gave it to
her during the final Q&A.

        - Tom

V Wolfe <email suppressed>
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11/21/2008 02:57 AM
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Lentar Super 8 3to1

I just bought a Lentar Super 8 3to1 at a thrift store for peanuts
Wondering if this is just a novelty item or if it is a good starter
Super 8

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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.