Re: Model Shop

From: Adam Hyman (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Nov 24 2008 - 08:38:43 PST

You are in luck good sir!

There is a brand spanking new complete Jacques Demy DVD box set that
includes the Model Shop and everything else put out by Cine Tamaris, Agnes
Vardašs company:

Itšs available through FNAC, I believe, as well as at this site:
Maybe as well...

Of course, that might be more than you want. But there it is. English
subtitles on the features, lots of extras, etc

I learned about it on the Criterion DVD BBS

On 11/24/08 8:19 AM, "Gene Youngblood" <email suppressed> wrote:

> Does anyone know how I might get a DVD or VHS of Jacque Demy's 1969 film
> "Model Shop"? I can't find it on Amazon in any country. If you have a copy
> please contact me offline.
> Gene Youngblood
> 28 Sunrise Road
> Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507 USA
> vox/fax: +1.505.424.8708
> email suppressed
> __________________________________________________________________ For info on
> FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.