Re: Embedding QT movie in a Flash Site

From: Mike Wechsler (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Nov 25 2008 - 12:18:02 PST

When you are importing the QT into Flash is it re-encoding it into an SWF
and playing it from frames on the timeline? Is it converting it to an FLV?
If so, skip the QT h264 step and encode your video directly as an FLV. If
you or someone you know has Sorenson Squeeze, you¹ll be able to make a
really nice looking FLV with h264 encoding and it should play very nicely
with Flash using either the built in flvPlayback component or any other
method of loading and playing FLVs.

Stuttering playback could be from trying to play it from frames on the
timeline and a slower processor or slower internet connection... Anywhere
that a bottleneck of information is created it will make your Flash movie
(video or not) stutter.

On 11/25/08 3:51 PM, "Zev Robinson" <email suppressed> wrote:

> In Flash, you can create layers, so that a Flash movie can load and unload
> another flash movie on top of it using fairly simple actionscript. I did some
> work using it a few years ago. You _may_ be able to load a qt movie as a
> second layer instead of another Flash movie, I seem to remember that you can,
> but I never did, and as I said, it was a few years ago.
> Anyway, worth looking into.
> Zev Robinson
> <>
> <>
> Ken Paul Rosenthal wrote:
>> Although the QT file of my 5-minute trailer, produced with Compressor looks
>> fabulous by itself, it stutters and pixilates once embedded into my
>> Flash-based website.
>> Oddly, on some computers it plays well, and others not.
>> Some folks have recommended simply embedding it as is, as a QT file, rather
>> than converting it to Flash.
>> If so, how would I embed it as a QT? Is that possible on a Flash-based site?
>> Here are the parameters of my file:
>> - made with Compressor
>> - Kind: QuickTime Movie
>> - Size: 480 x 360
>> - Dimensions: 480 x 360
>> - Codecs: H.264, AAC, Timecode
>> - Duration, 5:38
>> - Channel Count: 2
>> - Total Bit Rate: 1,664
>> Thanks, Ken
>> Proud to be a PC? Show the world. Download the ³I¹m a PC² Messenger themepack
>> now. Download now. <>
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>> on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>
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> __________________________________________________________________ For info on
> FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.