Re: query about making work independently

From: George Monteleone (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Dec 04 2008 - 15:03:49 PST

I've never done the coffee processing; I've only read about it and I believe
Jodie Mack has done it. I also uses washing soda as an activator; forgot to
mention There are various google-able how-tos. Actually, I'm not sure
think there's a practical organic non-toxic fixing agent out there.

Here's a reference:

This one suggests the possibility of using human urine, which I wouldn't

Oh, and duh, drawing or scratching on leader, yes, of course.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:45 PM, Myron Ort <email suppressed> wrote:

> coffee and vitamin C ? does that really do something. what are some more
> details. instant or regular, drip or espresso grind, powdered or tablets? do
> you have to "fix" it afterwards?
> maybe I can do something with my old Kodachrome double 8.
> mo
> On Dec 4, 2008, at 1:12 PM, George Monteleone wrote:
> Here's one recipe for "No-Impact" Cinema:
>> - Buy old stock.
>> - make cameraless photogram exposures using whatever.
>> - hand-process in coffee and vitamin C
>> - build a zoetrope or a rotating-blade physical-crank-and-shutter
>> projector that redirects sunlight from outdoors into a dark screening room
>> via a small array of mirrors. You will need a lens to enlarge it unless you
>> do "tiny cinema" in which the images are the size of the frame.
>> - hack music box tumblers or build something like it oscillating reeds or
>> something for automated soundtracks; hook them up to the crank with pulleys;
>> or have live music/text performances, or have no sound.
>> It could be make with pretty simple salvage materials, which could
>> probably be pulled out of things found at your local thrift store.
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> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.