From: Jay McBride (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Dec 04 2008 - 11:48:13 PST
Microcinema Holiday DVD Sale!
Holiday Sale!
Save 30 - 45% on DVDs in our entire catalog!
The Microcinema International DVD catalog features short-film and animation
compilations, documentaries, children's films, music-video collections,
Ambient Cinema DVDs, VJ/DJ compilations, art and artist, fashion design,
motion design, graphic design, political, and experimental titles.
Artists featured in the Microcinema International DVD catalog include:
Kenneth Anger, Louise Bourgeois, Trisha Brown, Luis Buņel, John Cage, Henri
Cartier-Bresson, Salvador Dali, Maya Deren, Charles & Ray Eames, William
Eggleston, Brian Eno, Hal Hartley, Herzog & DeMeuron, Edward Hopper,
Takahiko Iimura, Chris Marker, Jean Nouvel, Bill Plumpton, Robert
Rauchenberg, Mark Rothko, James Turrell, Bill Viola, William Wegman, Frank
Lloyd Wright and many others...
For wholesale orders: +1-415-447-9750, FAX: +1-509-351-1530,
email suppressed
Billing in USD, GBP, or EUR
Microcinema International | 1636 Bush Street #2 | San Francisco | CA | 94109
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.