Re: query about making work independently

From: Rob Gawthrop (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Dec 05 2008 - 01:29:51 PST

Crossing Waterloo bridge in 1979 on the way to Film London at the NFT,
filmmaker Giovanni Martedi stopped, picked up a piece of broken glass,
directed sunlight on to the wall of the bridge and said "see, cinema is not
so big, cinema is tiny".


On 4/12/08 20:40, "Carl E Bogner" <email suppressed> wrote:

> A friend is surveying a number of us on the following topic/query. Asked me to
> post to you all. Thanks for whatever time you have for this query - which may
> not, or may, be related to current considerations of the facility of academia
> and economies:
> --------------------
> A question just came to me while I was reading. Maybe you could post
> it to Frameworks?
> Let's say one wanted to make work without use of any video
> technologies. Let's also say that one did not have the ability to
> afford repairs of specialized film equipment, nor the ability to
> perform such repairs oneself. Finally, let's say one wanted to engage
> in a filmmaking practice that was portable, efficient, sustainable.
> How would one do this--and what is the cheapest way?
> Answer in practical terms: assuming one has no equipment or materials, what
> would one need to acquire, and how would the use of these materials be
> portable and sustainable? How would the images get recorded? How would
> the maker assemble images into sequences? How would the sequences be
> projected for groups? If it's not obvious, the challenge of this
> question--what might be fun about trying to answer it--has to do in
> part with how it's a puzzle, but also with the kinds of philosophical
> musings it might inevitably give rise to (for example, is there now,
> and irrevocably, no real answer to this question?).
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.