Re: Brakhage in 8mm (was: Film print as collectible (?))

From: Steve Polta (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Dec 09 2008 - 09:04:21 PST

Some of Brakhage's other films were shot in Super-8 and blown-up/completed in 16mm (i.e. there is no s-8 original), for example the little-discussed UNCONSCIOUS LONDON STRATA (which, in my opinion, is a neglected masterpiece). I am also of the belief that some, if not much, of the material comprising the ARABIC NUMERAL SERIES may be small gauge originally, but this is purely my personal deduction based on the look of the films and not anything anyone has told me.

Jim Shedden's Brakhage doc seems to show him shooting Super-8 quite a bit, or perhaps I am mistaken.

Of course, I would be quite pleased if Marilyn Brakhage and/or Mark Toscano would clarify these points.

Steve Polta

--- On Tue, 12/9/08, Fred Camper <email suppressed> wrote:

> From: Fred Camper <email suppressed>
> Subject: Re: Brakhage in 8mm (was: Film print as collectible (?))
> To: email suppressed
> Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 7:07 AM
> The "Songs," originally made and released in
> standard-8mm, were sold
> starting in the mid-1960s for as little as $10 or $15 each.
> There were
> also ten super-8 films released in 1976. Neither is
> available in new 8mm
> prints anymore, but as 16mm blowups.
> Brakhage said at the time that his model was a fine art
> book or
> classical music recording. He did want people to see the
> films at home.
> And the "Songs" in particular are in general
> better in 8mm and on small
> screen than in 16mm, in my view.
> Fred Camper
> Chicago
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