Media.Art.Research Award “Sound-Image Relations in Audiovisual Art”

From: Sandra Naumann (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Dec 14 2008 - 03:37:00 PST

Dear Frameworkers,

catching up the thread on VJ art and other discussions on frameworks I would like to call attention for the present call for the Media.Art.Research Award on the subject of audiovisual art.


In conjunction with the Prix Ars Electronica, the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Media.Art.Research will be awarding a prize in 2009 honoring outstanding theoretical work on the subject of “Sound-Image Relations in Audiovisual Art”.

In this way, the “Prix Ars Electronica Media.Art.Research Award seeks to further scholarly investigation of forms of audiovisual art not (yet) established in museum, academic and commercial contexts.

With this year’s theme “Sound-Image Relations in Audiovisual Art” the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute reacts to the growing need for reflective engagement due to the currently booming expansion of audiovisual art forms.

We encourage the submission of texts dealing with issues of conceptual, media and/or perceptual relations between acoustic and visual phenomena, for example:

- analyses of contemporary art practice
- contextualizations of historical and current developments
- approaches to listing criteria and methods for describing and analyzing audiovisual art forms
- explorations of questions of developing genres and terms
- positioning in art scholarly, musicological, media-historical and media-theoretical contexts
- investigations of the relationship between aesthetics and technology

Other topics are most welcome.

The “Prix Ars Electronica Media.Art.Research Award” (prize money: 5000 Euro) is intended to give due recognition to the important work being done by art historians and media scholars in the field of media art, which has emerged over the last two decades as an innovative, wide-ranging discipline in its own right. The great diversity and tremendous current relevance of this branch of artistic production call for theoretical and scholarly reflection on the historical significance of such artworks, on how to mediate audiences’ encounters with them today, and on their future conservation. The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Media.Art.Research has been pursuing precisely these tasks since it was founded in Linz in 2005. The theory prize competition is meant to promote an international discourse centering on the theories, methodologies and standards of media art. This includes addressing the necessity of defining terms and developing a theoretical framework as well as the pluralis!
 m of these art forms that resists any sort of final categorization.

More information can be found here:


We are looking forward to your entries.

Sandra Naumann

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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.