From: ugo bo (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Jan 30 2009 - 08:26:14 PST
dear frameworkers
those who would be in Milano-Italy next sunday (I know, it's a bit late to
tell) could be interested in the first (and maybe last) screening of *rumore
bianco e nero*, with a live impro by musicians that, like the audience, will
see the movie for the first time.
The screening will be at *unza!*, an activity centre based in north Milano -
Italy, a container for different no-profit projects like
repair-yourself-bicycle workshop, silkscreen printing workshop, rehearsal
room for bands, social place for self-managed veggie breakfast and lunches,
exibitions, movie screenings and gigs...
*rumore bianco e nero* comes out from *microcelluloide!* a super8 cinema
workshop (scripting, shooting, processing and editing) held in unza! in this
The impro comes from the people of *l'improvviso*, a monthly meeting in
unza! where different musicians, from all over Europe passed through.
sunday feb. 1st 2009 - 9.00 pm (entrance free-subscription):
*UNZA! Cicloofficina Nord - Niguarda*
Via Bianchi d'Espinosa ang. Graziano I - Milano
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.