Marcia Vogel

From: Scott MacDonald (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Feb 07 2009 - 07:27:23 PST

     Marcia Vogel, beloved wife and partner of Amos Vogel,
and co-founder of Cinema 16, the most successful and
influential film society in American history, died this
past week. Throughout Cinema 16's seventeen-year run,
Marcia was trusted adviser and humane ticket-taker (often
allowing those without enough money to pay for a Cinema 16
membership to see the films they needed to see), and she
handled the many public relations struggles that found
their way into the day-to-day operation of this
high-profile film society. Marcia: "We ate, slept, and
drank Cinema 16, often more than I cared to, but it was
our commitment."
     One of the sweetest spirits ever to grace the world
of American independent cinema, Marcia will be missed by
all who knew her.
     Please direct your good wishes and (if so inclined)
your prayers toward Amos Vogel and the Vogel family.

Scott MacDonald

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.