Re: Brakhage expert needed

From: Myron Ort (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Mar 31 2009 - 23:04:43 PDT

Definitely something to look forward to. The DVDs, of course,
cannot replace the films anymore than LPs and Cds and audiophile
stereo systems can replace a visit to the live acoustic symphony


On Mar 31, 2009, at 4:11 PM, Marilyn Brakhage wrote:

> Yes, 23rd Psalm Branch will be complete. And the Visions in
> Meditation Series will be complete. Other series are quite long,
> and if I had included another complete series, then too much would
> have been left out, as I was trying to provide a diverse selection
> from different periods and types of work. . . . I consulted with a
> number of people and went through many revisions before arriving at
> this list. These titles, and all the rest, are still available on
> film, so I hope people will continue to seek out more. The DVDs,
> of course, are not intended to replace the films! They are meant
> to introduce more people to Stan's work, and to provide a way for
> individuals so inclined to study some of them more closely.
> Marilyn
> On Tuesday, March 31, 2009, at 11:27 AM, Jorge Amaro wrote:
>> Dear Marilyn,
>> That sounds fabulous! I'm just wondering if I may. Why did you decide
>> not include full series? Like in the case of the Persian Series, will
>> 23rd psalm branch be complete?
>> Regards,
>> J.
>> 2009/3/31 Marilyn Brakhage <email suppressed>:
>>> To answer the question from Marcos: The Criterion set will be
>>> DVDs, but as
>>> all transfers are in high definition they would be able to, and
>>> may consider
>>> re-releasing them in Bluray at a later date. For now, not sure
>>> of the
>>> initial release date yet. We're probably still some months away,
>>> but the
>>> titles will be: The Wonder Ring; The Dead; Two: Creeley/McClure;
>>> 23rd Psalm
>>> Branch; Scenes From Under Childhood (Part One); The Machine of
>>> Eden; Star
>>> Garden; Desert; The Process; Burial Path; The Domain of the
>>> Moment; Murder
>>> Psalm; Duplicity III; Arabic 12; Visions in Meditatiion 1-4;
>>> Unconscious
>>> London Strata; Boulder Blues and Pearls And; The Mammals of
>>> Victoria; From:
>>> First Hymn to the NIght - Novalis; I Take These Truths; The Cat
>>> of the
>>> Worm's Green Realm; Yggdrasill: Whose Roots Are Stars in the
>>> Human Mind;
>>> Ellipsis #5; Persians 1-3; Chinese Series.
>>> Marilyn Brakhage
>>> Victoria BC
>>> On Monday, March 30, 2009, at 10:35 PM, Ted Sonnenschein wrote:
>>>> That's some good news. Any chance you can leak the titles to us?
>>>> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 5:31 PM, Marilyn Brakhage <email suppressed>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Yes, it's a good idea, the traveling programs. There is
>>>> occasionally talk
>>>> of people wanting to mount a major retrospective, but I agree,
>>>> that breaking
>>>> that down into smaller chunks for touring would be great. . . .
>>>> Though
>>>> these things always seem to take years to organize.
>>>> In the meantime, the Criterion Company has a second DVD set now
>>>> in the
>>>> works, whereby a number of films -- in that form, at least --
>>>> will be more
>>>> available to people (including seven titles from the 70s).
>>>> Marilyn Brakhage
>>>> On Monday, March 30, 2009, at 02:19 AM, Ted Sonnenschein wrote:
>>>> I thought it a credit to Brakhage that no one has yet to take
>>>> this on.
>>>> But, I also can't imagine many people have even seen even 75% of
>>>> his output.
>>>> When I was at SFAI around '90-'91, I was shocked at how negative
>>>> so many
>>>> people were towards Brakhage. I mean, viciously negative. Even
>>>> Keith
>>>> Sanborn, leading the intro class would take potshots. One time I
>>>> recommended
>>>> to Ernie Gehr that we watch 'Anticipation of the Night' when the
>>>> film we
>>>> shot for the class wasn't back from the lab (Gehr had asked what
>>>> he thought
>>>> we should do instead). A few from the class started to get
>>>> pissed off and
>>>> saying all this crap against Brakhage. Something I was, at that
>>>> time, used
>>>> to hearing. Gehr just smiled and decided that this was a good
>>>> idea after
>>>> all. Well, when that film ended, it shut them up. There was an
>>>> air in the
>>>> room that is hard to describe. My gut was just sore from all
>>>> that weight.
>>>> Gehr called for thoughts and impressions and looked at me. I had
>>>> nothing to
>>>> say. I don't think anyone did. I was glad to see that there is a
>>>> new
>>>> generation that seems more respectful and interested.
>>>> I had recently gone to look up some information on his 70s
>>>> period and
>>>> realized then that in the dozen or so years since I looked,
>>>> there wasn't
>>>> much new out there. Still, the only thing that bothered me is
>>>> the work isn't
>>>> regularly out there to see and would I ever get to see much
>>>> works from this
>>>> period. I think more important than scholars, would be someone
>>>> coordinating
>>>> touring programs of his work, ideally programmed by period. Has
>>>> anyone tried
>>>> to do anything like this? Well-programmed, I think, could really
>>>> get the
>>>> ball rolling and possibly even finding people who would be into
>>>> taking on
>>>> the study of Brakhage's work. Plus, I am sure Brakhage has fans
>>>> all over the
>>>> world that could help get such a project rolling but I am sure
>>>> most of the
>>>> major film art screening houses would support such a project.
>>>> Ted
>>>> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 8:23 AM, Marilyn Brakhage <email suppressed>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Well, as to Mason suggesting 'his wife': Not sure which wife
>>>> you're
>>>> meaning. I am Stan Brakhage's second wife -- but, regrettably,
>>>> not the
>>>> scholar Fred describes. Nevertheless, I have several comments:
>>>> 1) Bruce Elder has written an impressive book that addresses
>>>> some of
>>>> these towering ambitions (The Films of Stan Brakhage in the
>>>> American
>>>> Tradition of Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, and Charles Olson), and
>>>> of course
>>>> there are a number of others, beginning with P. Adams Sitney,
>>>> from whom we
>>>> also have important parts of this envisioned massive
>>>> undertaking. But yes,
>>>> something more, something along the lines that Fred describes,
>>>> is definitely
>>>> needed.
>>>> 2) I wholeheartedly agree that "more than one person taking it
>>>> on" would
>>>> not only be fine, but probably essential.
>>>> 3) Though it may be true that it's important to be gathering
>>>> information
>>>> now, while people are still around who knew Stan, I can also
>>>> guarantee that
>>>> even doing that will lead to "information" being "disputed at great
>>>> lengths." Stan was many things to many people, full of
>>>> apparent and
>>>> sometimes rather dramatic contradictions, his "complicated life
>>>> story" is
>>>> inextricably bound to his work, other people have their own
>>>> subjective
>>>> experiences, subject to the vagaries of memory -- and there is
>>>> already a lot
>>>> of "information" floating around that I (for one) know to be
>>>> untrue and/or
>>>> would interpret quite differently than someone else might.
>>>> Therefore (and
>>>> because the sheer amount of information is so huge),
>>>> 4) Well, to do it well would take someone who is also very
>>>> brave, wise,
>>>> comprehensive in approach, sensitive and subtle in their
>>>> writing . . .
>>>> BUT -- no need to wait for the perfect human being! Anyone who
>>>> takes on
>>>> even part of this project in good faith -- bravo!
>>>> Marilyn Brakhage
>>>> On Sunday, March 29, 2009, at 08:00 PM, Mason Shefa wrote:
>>>> His wife?
>>>> On Mar 28, 2009, at 1:38 PM, Fred Camper wrote:
>>>> The recent talk about who is "THE" (or was that "THEE")
>>>> "Brakhage expert"
>>>> got me thinking. The world actually does not have the "Brakhage
>>>> expert" that
>>>> the scope and importance of his work requires. There is no
>>>> "Brakhage expert"
>>>> in the sense that in the academic community one can find, for
>>>> example, Ezra
>>>> Pound experts, or, more recently and sad (for me if not for
>>>> others) to say,
>>>> Bob Dylan experts and Madonna experts. I post this in the hope of
>>>> interesting a young scholar, or someone else such as a film
>>>> professor who
>>>> might interest a young scholar, in taking on this role. More
>>>> than one person
>>>> taking it on would be fine too!
>>>> Obviously, the expert has to be devoted, ready to spend a large
>>>> part of
>>>> her or his career on this. What's needed is someone with a deep
>>>> interest in,
>>>> love of, and understanding of both world cinema and Brakhage's
>>>> work in
>>>> particular. But since a large part of this project would be a
>>>> working
>>>> through of Brakhage's many influences and sources, this scholar
>>>> should have
>>>> deep involvements with and understandings of modern poetry,
>>>> classical music
>>>> from Bach to Webern to Messiaen, and Western painting. The
>>>> scholar should be
>>>> an avid reader, and willing and able to travel to various
>>>> archives to track
>>>> down Brakhage's voluminous writings, lectures, and
>>>> correspondence. The
>>>> scholar should also be an extremely fine film viewer, both open
>>>> to multiple
>>>> ways of seeing and capable of very careful observation. I
>>>> envision the
>>>> results would be both a massive critical biography and a shorter,
>>>> book-length introduction. Several threads would be present in both:
>>>> Brakhage's complicated life story, his artistic influences and
>>>> the way they
>>>> are reflected in his films, and examinations of the films from
>>>> varied
>>>> perspectives.
>>>> Partly I write this out of regret at never having taken on this
>>>> task
>>>> myself. (For various reasons, I never felt up to it.) Obviously,
>>>> a scholar
>>>> who takes this on may have different ideas about what's needed;
>>>> these are
>>>> just my opinions. I also write out of regret at never having
>>>> done the kind
>>>> of massive, tape-recorded oral history I had thought of when
>>>> Brakhage and
>>>> some of his associates were still living. But many who knew and
>>>> worked with
>>>> him are still living, from a few of his high school friends to the
>>>> filmmakers who helped him in the making of his late films. If an
>>>> oral
>>>> history is not done, the information lost will be disputed at
>>>> great lengths
>>>> by scholars far into the future -- just as scholars today are
>>>> debating facts
>>>> lost about arts from earlier centuries.
>>>> Brakhage has a particular importance, due not only to the
>>>> quality and
>>>> scope of his work but to its, and his, vast influence, but there
>>>> are many
>>>> other filmmakers worthy of study in depth. Interested film
>>>> scholars should,
>>>> in my view, be devoting as much time to such projects, including
>>>> gathering
>>>> facts from living people in the present, as is now devoted to
>>>> "theory," or
>>>> to arguing about things that happened in 1897 that we will
>>>> likely never know
>>>> about for sure. Sadly, though, in the current climate the latter
>>>> two options
>>>> may be better career moves.
>>>> Fred Camper
>>>> Chicago
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>>>> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
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>>>> Mason Shefa
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>>>> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
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>>> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
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> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.