Arrieta in Turin

From: Philippe Dijon de Monteton (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Apr 02 2009 - 11:04:45 PDT

I thought you might be interested to know that there will be a small a.arrieta retrospective in turin this april (GLBT Festival). Rare! Must See!...

"Ardorfo Arrieta: Love Delirium
A Spanish author close to the French Nouvelle Vague, Arrieta is a painter and a great connoisseur of Jean Cocteau's works. His short movies shot in Madrid in the '60s are milestones of the indipendent cinema, while Les Intrigues de Sylvia Couski, shot in Paris in 1974, is considered the first Parisien underground militant work."

time to go to torino..


Philippe Dijon de Monteton

Lucca Film Festival (20.-25. October 2009)

Associazione VI(S)TA NOVA

Tel: +39 334 27 29 122

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