Re: 35mm projection options

From: Myron Ort (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jun 16 2009 - 09:44:09 PDT

I forgot to ask earlier, but do any of these 35mm projectors have a
"silent speed" option? Is "silent speed" a normal option on 35mm
movie projectors?

Myron Ort

On Jun 16, 2009, at 7:29 AM, mat fleming wrote:

> I still feel for an artist film 1.33 / 1.37 35mm (however you want
> to call it) is the way to go if you can afford it.
> As a projectionist I am more likely to get video aspect wrong than
> film. because there are way more variables - the tape/disk/file
> format, how the player ouputs it (sometimes different depending on
> what kind of cable the machine's using), what the projector does
> with it, the machines crop differently to variable "TV safe" areas
> too. Plus if i have a stack of shorts it can be difficult to change
> in between peices where the clumsy zoom has to operated by eye with
> the clumsy remote etc. These factors sometimes force me into an
> reluctant compromise.
> I haven't even gone into colour/contrast etc issues.
> With enough notice I will do everything I can for a film. And there
> is no uncertainty for me about whether i've got it right or wrong.
> Mat
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Freya <email suppressed> wrote:
> The only formats you can assume will be supported in cinemas are
> scope and 1.185. Some more art house cinemas might be able to do
> Academy standard too but it is much more rare. Theres a move at the
> moment to replace 1:1.185 with 16:9 like modern tvs but it remains
> to be seen what will happen.
> > Digital projection may help BUT you may have
> > problems getting a full frame scan. (I deal with this a lot
> > as I make archival film scanners and scan lots of full
> > aperture films, even preserving edge markings.)
> It shouldn't be a big problem as it is basically Super35 in 4perf.
> Theres lots of telecine out there to do this (and I would assume
> full scans too). You just need to find places that can handle S35.
> They may not be keen on putting your painted film near their
> expensive equipment tho!
> The other option might be to get it optically printed to a
> pillarboxed 1.185 print but this would be VERY expensive.
> love
> Freya
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