From: Richard Herskowitz (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Jul 26 2009 - 18:49:08 PDT
In 2002, when the Virginia Film Festival theme was WET, I gathered a hit
parade of experimental programmers (Scott MacDonald, Mark McElhatten, Kathy
Geritz, Steve Seid, Ralph McKay, John Columbus, Patti Bruck, and Abina
Manning) to join me in programming experimental films on water and fluids.
Guest filmmakers present included Leighton Pierce, George Kuchar, Brian
Frye, Lynn Hershman, and Eve Heller. Here are the titles I pulled off the
Virginia Film Festival website, although I don't think it's a complete list:
Acquatics (Half-Lifers)
Aquatica (George Kuchar)
Atlanta (Miranda July)
Barbara Hammer, Pools (Hammer, 8 min.)
Bautismo (Casey Koehler)
Bridge (Joris Ivens)
Bridges Go Round (Shirley Clarke)
Buoy (Robyn Moore)
Cargo of Lure (J. Hoberman)
Celtic Crevasse, The (George Kuchar)
Cold Pieces (Seungho Cho)
Coots (Guy Sherwin)
Creation (Stan Brakhage)
Crossroads (Bruce Conner)
Cyclone Alley Ceramics (George Kuchar)
Dark Room, The (Minyong Jang)
Dead Weight of a Quarrel Hangs (Walid Ra'ad)
Dolce e Calmo (AFAME)
Drowning Room, The (Reynold Reynolds)
East 7th Street (Dara Albanese)
Eaux d'Artifice (Kenneth Anger)
Field: Short Version (Ernie Gehr)
Fire of Waters (Stan Brakhage)
Going to the Ocean (Matt McCormack)
Great Mojado Invasion, Part II (Guillermo Gomez-Pena)
Green '62 (Lewis Klahr)
Hannah Can't Swim (Randall Good)
Harry Houdini: There's No Escape That I Can See (Harrison & Wood)
Interlace (Luis Recoder)
Kristallnacht (Chick Strand)
Land's End (Phil Solomon)
Leaves Little to Be Desired (Chris Robbins)
Looking at the Sea (Peter Hutton)
Made Manifest (Stan Brakhage)
Man Who Could Not See Far Enough (Peter Rose)
Manual Labor (Jeff Wadlow)
Marilyn's Window (Stan Brakhage)
Study of a River (Peter Hutton)
Stuffing (Animal Charm)
Surfacing on the Thames (David Rimmer)
There's a Pervert in My Pool (Martha Colburn)
This Side of Paradise (Ernie Gehr)
Thot-Fal'n (Stan Brakhage)
Transulucent Appearances (Barry Gerson)
Trip (Donigan Cumming)
Two Boys, The (Jason Livingston)
Uncle Evil (George Kuchar)
Untitled (Eve Heller)
Untitled (Julie Murray)
Visitation, The (Nathaniel Dorsky)
Waste Land, The (John Smith)
Water for Maya (Stan Brakhage)
Waterways: 4 Saliva Studies (Vito Acconci)
We're Here to Serve You (Ximena Cuevas)
Window Water Baby Moving (Stan Brakhage)
Wormhole, The (Jessica Sharzer)
Your Heart the Anchor (Dina Ciraulo)
Yuletide Surfers (George Kuchar)
Memory Waters (Emmanuel Shrinian)
Mes Amis les Poissons (Sylvie Laliberte)
Moon Streams (Mary Beth Reed)
Muktikara (Jeanne Liotta)
New Brooklyn to New York via the Brooklyn Bridge (Thomas Edison)
Passages (Lisl Ponger)
Pool Caddy (Emily Breer and Joe Gibbons)
Red Rock Falls (Paul Ryan)
Reflecting Pool (Bill Viola)
Riley Roily River (Paul and Marlene Kos)
Riverglass (Andrej Zdravic)
Sailboat (Joyce Wieland)
Seasong (Richard Reeves)
Shawana-Illinois Canal (Anonymous)
Shipfilm (Stephanie Barber)
Short History of Water, A (Gary Kibbins)
Sky Blue Light Water Sign (J.J. Murphy)
Sleepy Haven (Matthias Muller)
-- Richard Herskowitz Faculty, Arts and Administration Dept. University of Oregon Curator, Houston Cinema Arts Society Home Address: 285 Spyglass Drive Eugene, OR 97401 541-729-4516 __________________________________________________________________ For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.