Re: Murdoch's Falsehoods [Was: Kuchar/McDowell screen on Fox News!]

From: Roslyn Broder (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Aug 04 2009 - 07:19:05 PDT

Unfortunately, though, lots of viewers will be sucked in by the shock value,
and won't stop to question the facts. It's the same-old, same-old re: public
funding for the arts, going back to the days of outrage over Karen Finley
and Piss Christ. And I am just as disgusted by Cliff Stearns as I am by
pretty Megyn what's-her-name.


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Chuck Kleinhans
<email suppressed>wrote:

> I agree that they are a bit more careful on the clip Scott linked to
> (Perverts Pull Out"), but further downstream if you follow it on other Fox
> shows and on the internet it becomes confused, with people saying the NEA is
> funding the making of porn with animals, etc.
> Probably what it shows more than anything is that none of these people (Fox
> et al) has a sense of humor, or if they do have it, they don't let it get in
> the way of their propaganda work.
> Chuck
> On Aug 3, 2009, at 12:15 PM, Scott Stark wrote:
> At 06:19 PM 8/2/2009 -0700, Chuck Kleinhans wrote:
>> They also seem to not grasp the fact that the film was made in 1975 and
>>> is not being funded by the NEA.
>> Actually I think they were very carefully creating this confusion. If you
>> listen closely they do state that the funding went to the "theater" that was
>> planning to show the film, not the film itself, but that goes by very
>> quickly and they made sure to blur that distinction with the "shocking"
>> imagery and voice-over details.
>> I think the Fox team is actually very smart and crafty, and has a lot of
>> fun making stuff up.
>> Scott
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