Re: Chick Strand Tribute Screening tonight! Spread the word

From: Sandra Maliga (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Sep 13 2009 - 14:44:36 PDT

See you there. If you need any help for the screening at Oxy, I live


On Sep 13, 2009, at 9:43 AM, Adam Hyman wrote:

> HereÕs the full info on tonight and on the show at Occidental
> College on October 3.
> Please note everyone that Filmforum in Los Angeles should be one
> word, not two. WeÕve always spelled it that way, since Terry
> Cannon founded it. It also helps differentiate us from the ones in
> NY & Seattle. Thanks! (We also donÕt use a ÒTheÓ in front. (Yes,
> I think this is a Sisyphean task of branding, but so it goes...)
> Best,
> Adam
> ----------------------------
> Sunday September 13, 2009, 7:30 pm
> Los Angeles Filmforum presents
> A Chick Strand Tribute Screening
> At the Egyptian Theatre, 6712 Hollywood Blvd. at Las Palmas, Los
> Angeles, CA 90028
> Filmmaker, artist, teacher, joyful marvel, force of life· Chick
> Strand passed away on July 11, and our city and our lives won't be
> the same. Filmforum starts our season with a tribute screening to
> Chick. For those of you who knew her, and those of you who didn't,
> Chick was a marvelous and inspirational filmmaker and person, the
> artful person whom one was always delighted to see, an essential
> person who made the world a better place. Her films are
> consistently lovely and humanistic, whether portraits of
> individuals in Mexico or resonant collages of cinema history and
> contemporary media.
> Also, neither the LA Times nor the LA Weekly bothered to cover this
> show (indeed, neither really covers any Filmforum screenings).
> Neither has even run any sort of tribute or obituary of Chick since
> her passing either. Given the failure of the Los Angeles press,
> please help spread the word. Pass this on to anyone you know whom
> might be interested.
> Also see below for details about another tribute & screening, with
> different films, at Occidental College on Saturday October 3!
> "With her camera, Strand does not "document" her subjects--she
> creates lyrical representations. She is not afraid to look through
> her lens as a person; questioning, admiring, and honoring what she
> sees. Just as she brings poeticism and the personal into
> ethnography, she infuses an integrity, honesty, and selflessness
> into her works that few people can manage." ö Pablo de Ocampo
> "·For most of her filmmaking career, the integrity of Strand's
> vision lay aslant of prevailing fashions, so that only belatedly
> did the full significance of her radically pioneering work in
> ethnographic, documentary, feminist, and compilation filmmaking ö
> and above all, in the innovation of a unique film language created
> across these modes ö become clear. Though feminism and other
> currents of her times are woven through her films and though her
> powerful teaching presence sustained the ideals of underground film
> in several film schools in the city, hers was essentially a school-
> of-one. " ö David James, in The Most Typical Avant-Garde: History
> and Geography of Minor Cinemas in Los Angeles (University of
> California Press, 2005).
> Tonight we'll be running a wide range of the glorious gamut of her
> work, and one treat from her husband. Curated by filmmaker Amy
> Halpern. Prints courtesy of the Academy Film Archive, by
> arrangement with Canyon Cinema. Not so much a memorial (to come
> later), but a tribute by way of her marvelous films. Special Thanks
> to David James, Gerry Fialka, Mark Toscano, and David Lebrun.
> ANGEL BLUE SWEET WINGS (1966, 3 min., 16mm)
> An experimental film poem in celebration of life and visions.
> Techniques include live action, animation, montage and found images.
> GUACAMOLE (1976, 18 min., 16mm)
> Poetic surrealism. Approach is experimental in relationship of
> image and sound. A film about the loss of innocence and the search
> for the essence of the human spirit.
> CARTOON LE MOUSSE (1979, 15 min., 16mm)
> "Chick Strand is a prolific and prodigiously gifted film artist who
> seems to break new ground with each new work. Her recent "found
> footage" works such as CARTOON LE MOUSSE, are extraordinarily
> beautiful, moving, visionary pieces that push this genre into
> previously unexplored territory. If poetry is the art of making
> evocative connections between otherwise dissimilar phenomena, then
> Chick Strand is a great poet, for these films transcend their
> material to create a surreal and sublime universe beyond reason." -
> Gene Youngblood
> WAR ZONE by Marty Muller, aka Neon Park (1971, 3 min.)
> Made with Chickie nearby.
> BY THE LAKE (1986, 9.5 min., 16mm)
> A collage film made from Third World images and found sound from a
> 1940s radio show ("I Love a Mystery"), live recordings of an
> operation on a horse, and a 1970s church service, all taken out of
> context and reconstructed into new relationships and meanings. An
> Anglo woman's interpretation of magic realism.
> WATERFALL (1967, 3 min., 16mm)
> A film poem using found film and stock footage altered by printing,
> home development and solarization. It is a film using visual
> relationships to invoke a feeling of flow and movement. Japanese
> Koto music.
> KRISTALLNACHT (1979, 7 min., 16mm)
> Dedicated to the memory of Anne Frank, and the tenacity of the
> human spirit.
> ELASTICITY (1976, 25 min., 16mm)
> Impressionistic surrealism in three acts. The approach is literary
> experimental with optical effects. There are three mental states
> that are interesting: amnesia, euphoria and ecstasy. Amnesia is not
> knowing who you are and wanting desperately to know. I call this
> the White Night. Euphoria is not knowing who you are and not
> caring. This is the Dream of Meditation. Ecstasy is knowing exactly
> who you are and still not caring. I call this the Memory of the
> Future.
> This is an autobiographical film funded by the American Film
> Institute.
> About Chick Strand:
> After graduating from Berkeley with a degree in anthropology,
> Strand threw herself into the cultural ferment of the Bay Area in
> the 1960s, especially Canyon Cinema, where she was one of its
> founders and instigators, with Bruce Baillie. After four years she
> moved to Los Angeles to study at UCLA and joined the newly formed
> Ethnographic Film Program. Meeting Pat O'Neill, who was at that
> time beginning his experiments with the optical printer, she made
> Waterfall (1967), a film that solarized and otherwise re-worked
> both live-action and found footage in the vein of contemporary West
> Coast psychedelia. This overall aesthetic continued to inform
> Strand's work, but it was sharpened and made more serious by her
> encounter with what seemed an entirely contrary idiom, that of
> documentary ethnography. She did not get involved with the
> Hollywood film industry, but taught film for twenty years at
> Occidental College. She also painted extensively. Her second
> husband was Marty Muller, known more widely as the artist Neon
> Park, and she had one son and one daughter. ö Largely drawn from
> The Most Typical Avant-Garde: History and Geography of Minor
> Cinemas in Los Angeles (University of California Press, 2005), pp. 358
> Appreciation by Holly Willis:
> strand.html
> Article by Pablo de Ocampo in the Portland Mercury from 2001:
> <
> oid=24537&amp;category=> 22133
> Paintings by Chick Strand:
> chickstrand.htm
> There is an extensive discussion of Strand and her films in David
> James's The Most Typical Avant-Garde: History and Geography of
> Minor Cinemas in Los Angeles (University of California Press,
> 2005), pp. 357-367.
> Occidental College "Chick Strand Screening & Reception"
> Saturday, October 3, 5-7:30 p.m.
> Free & Open to the Public
> In conjunction with LA Filmforum's 9/13 screening of Strand's work
> at the Egyptian Theater; curated by Adam Hyman
> Screening:
> ANSELMO (1967, 4 min., color/so)
> LOOSE ENDS (1979, 25 min., b&w/so)
> SOFT FICTION (1979, 54 min., b&w/so)
> Appreciations by:
> Eric Frank, Dean of the Faculty and Strand's colleague at Oxy
> Marsha Kinder, USC Cinematic Arts Professor and former Oxy
> professor/Strand colleague
> (if possible) Steve Anderson, USC Professor Media Arts and Practice
> and Strand's former student at Oxy
> Location at Occidental on October 3:
> Johnson 200 Auditorium (off the main quad)
> For more info, please contact Rhea Borja 323-259-1406
> Detailed Directions:
> Campus Map:
> From the Glendale Freeway (I-2) north, take the Verdugo Road exit.
> Turn left at the end of the off-ramp onto Eagle Rock Boulevard.
> Continue on Eagle Rock Boulevard and pass five stoplights to
> Westdale Avenue.
> Turn right at Westdale Avenue and follow it until it ends at Campus
> Road.
> At Campus Road, turn left and follow the signs to Visitor Parking
> "Her passing comes to me and others at Canyon Cinema with great
> sadness....Chick was one of the founders of Canyon Cinema and the
> Cinematheque. She always supported Canyon in all of the endeavors
> that have been done in the past. Personally she and I became close
> over the years and I could always count on her for advice in
> matters of Canyon and also on a very personal level.
> I will miss her greatly and her passing is a loss to the entire
> community. The experimental film community has lost a great human
> being. Her absence will be felt for some time." - Dominic Angerame,
> Executive Director, Canyon Cinema
> Chick Strand changed my life. A great teacher, a great filmmaker, a
> great human being. I am so grateful to have met her and learned
> from her. I would not be who I am today had I not met her. I was
> just one of so many students, but she was and will forever be a
> gigantic presence in my soul. - Brook Hinton, filmmaker
> ------------ --------- --
> ****TICKET PRICE & RESERVATIONS: Admission is $10 general, $6
> students/seniors, free for Filmforum members, cash or check only.
> We will take reservations until Saturday night, and hold reservations
> until 15 minutes before the show time.
> Parking on the streets. Validated parking is available in
> the big city lot at Hollywood & Highland, $2 for 4 hours with a
> validation from the Egyptian Theatre. Or take the Metro red Line to
> Hollywood & Highland. Parking meters in Hollywood are now active
> until 8 pm on Sundays, so if you park at a meter, be sure to put
> some money in it!
> Filmforum is selling memberships! They get you into shows for a big
> discount! $60 single/$95 double. Cash or check only. Inquire at
> the door, or send us an email at lafilmforum@
> **For full and up-to-date information, please visit our website at
> or email us at
> email suppressed <> **
> ***For a complete listing of alternative films in Los Angeles, check
> This screening series is supported, in part, by the Los Angeles
> County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts
> Commission and the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los
> Angeles.
> Los Angeles Filmforum is the city's longest-running organization
> dedicated to weekly screenings of experimental film, documentaries,
> and video art. This is our 33rd year!
> Filmforum is also raising funds. Sponsor a whole season for only
> $5000, or become a member for $60, or anything in between. We're also
> looking for a Sony J-30 video deck, which plays Beta SP and DigiBeta,
> PAL and NTSC tapes. Filmforum is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
> which means your fiscal donations are fully tax deductible
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.