Mead Festival Line-up

From: Ariella Ben-Dov (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Oct 13 2009 - 09:55:40 PDT

Dear Colleagues, the 33rd Annual Margaret Mead Film & Video line-up is live

We are presenting 33 films, 25 premieres, and 26 filmmakers will be in
attendance. Come to the American Museum of Natural History November 12-15.

You can order tickets on line or via phone. Please tell your colleagues,
students and friends. -- Ariella Ben-Dov

Travel the world all from the comfort of the American Museum of Natural
History‹, where you can get to know the people and places from Mauritania to
Mumbai, from Chongqing, China, to St. Petersburg, Russia, and from the Gulf
Coast of southern Florida to right next door in Brooklyn. Wešll follow the
length of a race-track that starts in Paris and ends in Dakar Africa,
pausing to meet with the communities along the way. Wešll go north to the
Seward Peninsula where a Native Alaskan community comes together to mourn
the impending loss of their land to climate change. A schoolyard in Brooklyn
becomes a battlefield in the War on Terror. And two historic neighborhoods
facing the ugly side of urban renewal, one in Beijing, the other St.

Ariella J. Ben-Dov
Curator of Film
Artistic and Festival Director, Margaret Mead Film & Video Festival
Manager, Public Programs

American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West at 79th Street
New York, New York 10024

(212) 496-4217 Phone
(212) 769-5329 Fax
email suppressed

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.