Morgan Fisher in person - Independent Film Show Naples

From: marķa palacios cruz (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Oct 20 2009 - 10:27:05 PDT

Dear all,

Stoffel and I have prepared a couple of programmes for the coming
Independent Film Show in Naples (3rd to 7th November), including a selection
of films by Morgan Fisher which will be introduced by Morgan Fisher himself
on November 4th. A great reason/excuse to travel to Naples (as if one were
needed !).

In the programme :
The Director and His Actor Look at Footage Showing Preparations for an
Unmade Film (2)**
1968, 16mm, b&w, sound, 15 min*

*Documentary Footage
1968, 16mm, colour, sound, 11 min*

*Production Stills
1970, 16mm, colour, sound 11 min*

*Picture and Sound Rushes
1973, 16mm, b&w, sound, 11 min*

*Cue Rolls **
1974, 16mm, colour, sound, 5min30*

*Projection Instructions **
1976, 16mm, b&w, sound, 4 min*

*Standard Gauge **
1984, 16mm, colour, sound, 35 min*

On November 5th, we'll present another programme - (DE)CODING - with works
by Fisher, Thom Andersen & Malcolm Brodwick, John Smith, Robert Nelson and
Hollis Frampton.
You can find the details on the festival website : and on
Stoffel's blog :

Independent Film Show, Naples 3rd to 7th November 2009
Palazzo Ruffo di Bagnara, piazza Dante, Napoli

Looking forward to seeing you there !

Maria and Stoffel

marķa palacios cruz
72, rue saint-bernard
1060 bruxelles (belgique)
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