From: k. a.r. (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Nov 12 2009 - 15:03:18 PST
Hello. Does anybody in San Francisco, or the bay area
have or know where I can get a 3/4 umatic tape deck?
It only has to play; I have 18 hours of master tapes that I would
lie to transfer to digital.
(The tapes are the only copies of my public access show I did
when I was in Milwaukee.
The show was 'TV Film Fest' and it was a live call in show, the
guests would be local filmmakers and we showed clips and took calls.
It was pretty cool.)
I really only need to borrow the deck, or I have a small budget to buy one.
Any help is greatly appreciated,
Kristie Reinders, B.F.A.
Director of Cinematography, Electric Visions
Curator and Head Projectionist, Electric Mural Project
The Mission, San Francisco, CA
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