Re: Lab to develop Vision3 35mm shot with Debrie Sept in 15-20 foot lngths

From: andrew lennox (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Dec 30 2009 - 10:51:47 PST

yeah, i agree with robert, you should be able to just label it as "critical heads/tails".  some labs will staple it and then you'll lose a few frames but that's it.  likewise for splices.
try niagara custom lab.  they're mandate is custom jobs for experimental filmmakers.
good luck

--- On Wed, 12/30/09, Robert Houllahan <email suppressed> wrote:

From: Robert Houllahan <email suppressed>
Subject: Re: Lab to develop Vision3 35mm shot with Debrie Sept in 15-20 foot lngths
To: email suppressed
Received: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 9:12 AM

On Dec 30, 2009, at 2:21 AM, Joe Gill wrote:

> Due to the short length, I am worried we would lose 2-3 feet from the head of the roll after discussions with Fotokem...  Any ideas for places to develop or should I look into home developing it ?

I do not see why 2-3 feet need to be cut the tape splices used to go into the processor are only 1-2 inches long I think big commercial labs cut off  more because if the average commercial producer sees a speck of dust they have an aneurism. Either try to ask fotokem nicely to not cut so much or send it to a smaller lab which can cater to experimental film more easily.

Robert Houllahan
Film Maker/Lab owner

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