Re: Mash-ups (and ready-mades)

From: Jennifer Proctor (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jan 05 2010 - 08:56:44 PST

Hi Brett,

Here are a few leads:

Certainly Lev Manovich's work on The Language of New Media

Ch. 6 of Chuck Tryon's latest book Movies in the Age of Media Convergence
("Hollywood Remixed: Movie Trailer Mashups, Five Second Movies, and Film

Harold, Christine, “Pranking rhetoric: ‘culture jamming’ as media activism,”
in *Critical Studies in Media Communication*, Vol. 21, Issue 3, September
2004: p. 189-211

Another from Chuck Tryon:

This from Ed Halter, which engages Scratch Cinema and found footage
filmmaking from early film history to Web 2.0:

Short essay on Remix Theory:

Relevant articles from Alessandro Imperato:

Brigid Maher at American University has developed a really interesting
approach to the study of online remix/mashup which draws from Eisenstein &
Manovich - she calls it "Smart Montage." I don't believe she's published on
it yet, but she's presented on it and might be willing to share resources:

Also, this blog has some interesting articles:

Can you tell I'm working on my own syllabus? Hope these are helpful!


On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Brett Kashmere <email suppressed>wrote:

> Hi all,
> This spring I'm teaching a class on the theory and practice of the
> remix/techniques of appropriate, and I'm wondering if anyone out there can
> suggest a good reading on the topic of mash-ups. In addition, if anyone is
> aware of interesting writing about film ready-mades (a.k.a. "perfect films")
> please let me know.
> Thanks in advance!
> Brett Kashmere
> Oberlin College
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Jennifer Proctor
Visiting Assistant Professor, Film and Video
School of Communications
Grand Valley State University
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.