From: Klaus W. Eisenlohr (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Jan 07 2010 - 11:01:10 PST
Urban Research:
Call for Artists Exploring Contemporary Urban Space
Urban Research has been a successful program both
at Directors Lounge Festival and in screenings in
London, Hannover, Poznan, Freiburg, Essen,
Dordrecht, St. Petersburg and Berlin.
International artists present their vision of
public space and urban landscapes. How is the
condition of the public realm connected with
urban space? Can we talk about urbanity as a
common figure in urban life at all? Has public
space been replaced by the electronic virtual
spaces? Or, has public place been bounded,
forcefully homogenized and "pacified" by
surveillance and private security forces? Are
there new developments, definitions and uses that
make "public space" lively again? Artists find
challenging views and concepts, or more
importantly, they question anew the common
concepts of urbanity.
This is an open call for new work of Urban Research.
The program will be first shown at Directors
Lounge, Berlin, 11-21 February 2010.
Experimental, documentary, essay, interactive and multi-channel, all welcome.
Please send in a preview DVD of your work.
Entry Deadline Jan. 10, 2010 (postmarked).
Please fill out the submission form (mandatory) at:
Please ship to:
Klaus W. Eisenlohr, Urban Research, Osnabrücker
Str. 25. D-10589 Berlin, Germany
klaus |at| richfilm |dot| de
Urban Research 2010 will firstly be presented at
the media art festival Directors Lounge in
February 2010.
Urban Research:
Directors Lounge:
Deadline of Directors Lounge is also Jan 10
Please submit directly to
-- __________________________________________________________________ For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.