Re: still images needed

From: Chuck Kleinhans (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Feb 03 2010 - 16:53:57 PST

Since the Rubin was supposed to be dual projected with one image
inside the other, it seems unlikely that there is any document that
shows this form of the film. A single frame enlarged would not
represent the film as projected.

Chuck Kleinhans

On Feb 3, 2010, at 4:33 PM, Andy Ditzler wrote:

> I’m looking for still images from Barbara Rubin’s “Christmas on
> Earth” or (a long shot) Curt McDowell’s “Pornografollies.” I’ve
> checked with Anthology for Rubin’s film, but they don’t have any.
> Any suggestions appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Andy Ditzler
> Frequent Small Meals
> Atlanta, GA
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