Re: Frampton [Was: criterion]

From: Patrick Friel (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Feb 14 2010 - 14:24:59 PST

Mark and others,

My understanding from the Criterion person who attended the Frampton
Conference in Chicago (the person Fred Camper mentioned) is that this will
be a three-disc set.

Several others there besides Fred were encouraging her to push for all of
HAPAX on the set. It sounded like she was convinced, but I think she's
handling the bonus features for the discs and does not make main selections
of the films.

So, right now, I think it will be HAPAX on one disc; ZORNS LEMMA, a
selection of earlier shorts, and a selection of films from the Magellan
cycle spread over the other two. Plus their usual generous assortment of
bonus material.



On 2/14/10 12:00 AM, "Mark Toscano" <email suppressed> wrote:
> Especially since NFPF released (nostalgia) on its Treasures IV DVD, I would
> love to see Poetic Justice, Critical Mass, and then a boatload of other titles
> collected into a large Criterion set a la the Brakhage releases.
> But regardless, I'm certainly not going to complain about Criterion putting a
> further foot forward into experimental territory, so hooray for them
> even(/especially?) if it's Hapax alone.

> mark t

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