Re: Help!

From: ben russell (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Feb 23 2010 - 08:42:59 PST


I've made a few films in this fashion (here: and here: and have had the best luck on the
pinhole front by putting a pinhole'd piece of aluminum foil in the filter
slot of the Bolex. Paint/sharpie one side of the foil black, poke the
smallest hole you can with a needle into the foil, put the foil into the
filter holder, remove the lens, and there it is.

This approach gets the pinhole as close to the film plane as you can - you
can figure out the effective f-stop of the pinhole by punching in a few
measurements here: or you can
go crazy with scanners in this fashion:

You might also look into purchasing some machine'd pinholes on thin copper
or tin - the disadvantage with aluminum foil is that your pinhole will have
burred edges and you might get weird reflections/aberrations on the image.
My sewing needle + foil approach gave me something around an f92, and I've
been able to shoot at 24fps on 500D film in the sunlight. Obviously, the
smaller the f-stop the faster your film stock will need to be. Shooting at
slower frame rates on the Bolex is also an option, as is hand-cranking it
(disengage the motor and use a rewind crank).

Good Luck,


PS Everything I know about pinhole cinema I learned from Tom Comerford (

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.