production company looking for a Steenbeck in NYC

From: Caryn Cline (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Mar 12 2010 - 12:23:58 PST

Dear Frameworkers:

The production company @radicalmedia is looking for a Steenbeck to rent,
either to transport to their facility in the New York City/West Village
neighborhood for the duration of this phase of the project, or to rent
off-site if nearby.

Please see the details, below, and if you know of something, get in touch
with Elisabeth Holm, whose contact information is listed at the end of her

Elisabeth says:

We are looking to rent ideally an 8-plate steenbeck for a couple of months
this spring (roughly April-June). We need it to go through our own archival
from the first Paradise Lost film (we are now working on the third for HBO).
 We would want to house it in our offices in the West Village. If off-site
is the only option, the location would ideally be a facility near by, but we
are definitely looking to do this work in-house. I'd love to know what the
availability and pricing are for at least a one month rental. We can
provide transport to/from our office. My contact info is
email suppressed, 212-462-1647, cell 917-375-9990.

Many thanks!


Caryn Cline
New York City and Seattle
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.