Re: Introduction and a question

From: pete mcpartlan (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Apr 13 2010 - 04:07:20 PDT

Just thought I'd say a quick thanks to everyone that has replied - I've
got my hands on some bits of film and I've got a little production line
going in my studio - glad I'm finally able to just play around.



On 02/04/2010 15:09, David Woods wrote:
> Pete, baby!
> Heck, I must have some odd rolls / short ends / whatnot of 35mm clear
> stock, along with a lifetime’s “hording lest they come” of such things.
> I know I’ve got short rolls of 35mm audio with one mag stripe and a
> balance stripe with lots of clear base between (and with this you could
> scratch on the mag and paint on the clear, the two marks perhaps echoing
> or opposing each other ... heck, you could....
> If you cover the post, and if I find it, and if you use an appropriate
> typographic form in the screen-wide acknowledgement, which my lawyers
> will be sending yours in due course, and if you don’t hear anything from
> me feel free to remind me of this unusual moment of
> philanthropicalistical intent, I’m sure I may be able to locate / send U
> something.
> And to think I was in Nottingham last weekend ... well on its outskirts
> ... at the Clifton Campus of U. Nott. doing a reading of selected
> extracts from my monster novel to the AGM of the Robert Bloomfield
> Society. They liked it. Now I just need a publisher to do likewise.
> Anyway, I’ll go loo ... at some point ... soon ... ish.
> Caroline Leaf kindly showed me exactly how she worked with 70mm
> specially exposed / processed colour print stock for TWO SISTERS wherein
> that memorable luminous green matched the assured line and eloquent
> writing ... oopst! A second reference to narrative. If I’m not careful
> I’ll be voted-off FRAMEWORKS by a mass hysteria I could have avoided. Aw
> Shucks! That was when I was at Emerson and she at Harvard ... the
> locations say it all. She kindly came to see my BABY HOME at the Museum
> of Fine Art and said it would influence her painting, which had
> progressed to black and white by then. Film’s loss.
> This has been a Holcus Effect presentation. You may have been warmed!
> Dr. David Woods
> MD Holcus Ltd
> *From:* Experimental Film Discussion List
> [mailto:email suppressed] *On Behalf Of *mat fleming
> *Sent:* 02 April 2010 00:42
> *To:* email suppressed
> *Subject:* Re: Introduction and a question
> Mat
> You could try getting some Clear 35mm spacing from PEC. Acetate might
> take ink better than polyester.
> It's quite pricey though and you could spend your whole life geting
> through 1000' They sell special animation 16mm I dont know why they
> don't seem to have it in 35mm.
> Jack Roe (who suppy cinemas) will probably sell you some mylar leader
> with frame lines in a shorter length for less money.
> We do some stuff like this out of our lab in Newcastle but not much and
> not very scientifically so i'm not sure what help i'd be. I'm happy to
> have a chat though if you need. send me an email off list.
> Cheers
> Mat
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 10:00 PM, lj frezza <email suppressed
> <mailto:email suppressed>> wrote:
> well, there's a great book called "recipes for disaster" with a section
> on cameraless animation.
> i've tried it out (not really my thing, though) and just using india ink
> on clear leader works just fine for me - is that the sort of thing
> you're thinking about?
> -lj
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 1:00 PM, pete mcpartlan
> <email suppressed>> wrote:
> Hello Frameworks people,
> I'm an artist based in Nottingham in the UK working mostly with video
> and drawing, I'm new to the list, thought I'd say "hello". Hello.
> Also I'm in need of a little help. For a while now I've been making
> these long drawings - as a deliberate reference to film, making reels of
> receipt paper drawings etc. (See drawIslands() and Long Drawings on my
> website (below)) Anyway, I've decided I really want to start working
> with ink on film and I'm a bit lost, I found a nice pamphlet by Norman
> McLaren about setting up a rig to work with cameraless animation, which
> has given me a lot of food for thought. I know from the type of drawings
> I do that I want to work with 35mm. But when it comes to the actual
> material - no matter how much I stare at the various suppliers lists of
> different types of leader I don't seem to get anywhere. And I don't want
> to commit a load of (non-existent) money to something that might not work.
> Is there anyone out there that might be able to give me some advice on
> where to start, books or sites that might help? Or better yet someone
> who works in a similar way that would let me either visit their studio
> or would be up for having a chat. Or advice on places that might give me
> a few feet of off-cuts to test things out? - I just want to be able to
> play around but have hit a bit of a wall.
> Thanks,
> Pete
> --
> Pete McPartlan
> <>
> <>
> +44(0)7729448006
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed
> <mailto:email suppressed>>.
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> <>
> __________________________________________________________________ For
> info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed
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> __________________________________________________________________ For
> info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
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> info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

Pete McPartlan
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.