From: J. Mabe (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Oct 10 2010 - 07:56:44 PDT
On 10/9/10 5:24 PM, "Jacob" <email suppressed> wrote:
...if those who had the opportunity to attend would be willing to share their thoughts (on the films, on the program as a whole, on interesting discussions that might have taken place, anything really) with the list (or if preferred, privately off-list).
I don't have too much to say, but here's some thoughts...
I first went to Views in 2001, I went every year till 2004, skipped 2005, went to 2006, and this was my first time back since. So this is my 6th year... this was the first time I went when I didn't feel like I had to pack every second of my trip with films. When I attended Views in the past, I was living in South Carolina and I would spend the mornings at the Donnell Media Center watching 16mm prints and spend the days watching every single program. Now that I live in Chicago, I feel like I can catch up with a lot of the titles late in Windsor and Chicago. This is the long way of saying that missed A LOT of great shit, I'm sure.
Looking at the program, I wish there was some Super 8 shown... one of the best programs I've ever seen at Views was the Super 8 films of Jose Luis Rodriguez.
But, on the other hand, some of the Super 8 to 35mm blow ups looked amazing... TOADS by Milena Gierke being the best.
I love every short second of T. Marie's work I've ever seen... I loved seeing her SLAVE SHIP on a big screen.
I feel slightly embarrassed saying this where I know she'll likely read it... but over the past decade of seeing her work, Julie Murray has become one of my all time favorite filmmakers. Her DISTANCE was excellent.
The best thing I saw by a new name (to me) was BENEATH YOUR SKIN OF DEEP HOLLOW by Malena Szlam.
I loved the method Luther Price uses for SORRY and his earlier film KITTENS GROW UP. KITTENS is an amazingly great film... SORRY, less so, but still damn fine.
Other work I loved:
Trypps #7 (Badlands) by Ben Russell
In a Year with 13 Deaths by Jonathan Schwartz
everything by Janie Geiser and Lewis Klahr
Shadow Cuts by Martin Arnold
Oh... and I dragged my girlfriend to one screening that I KNOW I'll have a chance to see later in Chicago instead of going to a small comedy showcase run by a friend of a friend on 14th Street... and I just heard Jim Gaffigan dropped in for a guest set that night. If she ever finds out, I'll never get her out to a film again.
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