[Frameworks] 8mm & 16mm Odds n Ends Yardsale NYC

From: Benj Gerdes (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Oct 10 2010 - 18:25:48 PDT

Dear Frameworkers,

I am moving this week and wanted to try to unload the following random
equipments/prints/stock on someone who might actually use them. I
don't have time to ship anything, so this is local only. I am not
setting prices, so please offer or barter w/ whatever you think is
fair. While cash would be appreciated for some of these items, I am
open and primarily hope someone will come take this stuff off my
hands. The DS8 cameras are nifty soviet objects in their own right,
other stuff might be useful to the right hands and minds. I would love
to get rid of this by Wednesday. Pick-up in Bed Stuy only.


DS8 Cameras (both working the last time I checked):
-Quartz Zoom DS8-3 Double Super 8 Camera (Made in USSR)
-Meopta AG2 Supra Double Super 8mm Camera (Made in Czechoslovakia)
*with these you can get 1 expired early 2000s but frozen starter roll
of Fomapan R 100 B&W DS8 film (you can still buy DS8 stock in the US
and elsewhere in some but not all stocks).
Dead film stocks (for fun but probably not for profit):
1 400' reel Ektachrome 7240 expired early 2000s frozen since
4 Super-8 cartridges Ektachrome 7240 Expired in early 2000s frozen for
some of that time
9 Cartridges Kodachrome II Expired in October '74--I've heard you can
hand-process as B&W, but obviously never got around to trying this.
Dual 8 Viewer:
Suntar Reg 8mm/Super 8-solid metal construction, lamp works
Reg8/Super8/16mm Prints:
I have a couple boxes of found Super 8 & 16mm prints, not all are
labeled or cataloged, and most I haven't watched:

-4 400ft reels of Super 8 outtakes from a "home movie" sequence I co-
produced for a romantic comedy feature in 2001. See SAG actors
pantomime a child's birthday party in the 70s, etc. I had thought I
might use this for a piece but you should instead.
-Reg 8mm Burning of the Hindenberg 50'
-Reg 8 US Blasts Marshall Islands 50' Castle Films
-16mm reel of trailers for Three Days of the Condor and other films
from '75
-Reg 8 Dr Cyclops Castle Films 400'
-Reg 8 Bat Men of Africa 400'
-16mm "The Fuller Brush Man" 3 1200' reels (whatever this is, how
could this be 3 reels?)
-16mm At War with the Army 1/2 1200' reel
-Super 8 7 Great Knockouts Duran vs Dejesus 400' inside plastic
looper, you can open it w/ a hammer and take film out
-2 other 400' super 8 boxing films, I think one is Ali vs Frazier but
may be misremembering
-16mm Chimp the Cowboy 400'

Lots of 50' super 8 and 16 reels, too, if anyone needs those.

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