From: Paul Shepherd (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Oct 16 2010 - 13:54:39 PDT
Hello out there in Frameworks,
We seemed to have missed the boat of "The this week in the Avant-Garde" (but
I think that was my fault).
But please take note that the Punto y Raya Festival US Tour is continuing
tonight in Dallas, TX with the assistance of the iotaCenter.
Tonight at 6:30 is a Retrospective of the work of Larry Cuba, long time
experimental filmmaker and Executive Director of the iotaCenter. Mr Cuba
will be in attendance.
Tomorrow at 2PM is the Best of Punto y Raya Festival. The largest and most
complete abstract and experimental film festival in the world.
Both screening will be at the Mac (McKinney Ave. Contemporary 3120 McKinney
Ave.) and *both are Free! *So you have no reason not to go!
You can go here <>to
learn more about the events and we hope to see you there.
Also, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Eugine are coming up soon. So keep a
look out.
Paul Shepherd
iotaCenter, Manager of Public Programming
FrameWorks mailing list
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